On April 30, 2021 the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the International Institute of Central Asia (IICA), the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan held in the Memorial Complex “Victory Park” the scientific-practical conference “The Second World War in the history and memory of the peoples of Central Asia: events, participants, symbols.

В качестве спикера конференции с докладом на тему: «Лица Победы» выступила директор НИЦ «Руханият» Академии «Bolashaq» Аупенова А.У. В своем выступлении докладчик показала одну из форм работы по сохранению исторической памяти о героическом подвиге народа на примере виртуальной выставки «Лица Победы», проводимой в Карагандинском областном музее изобразительного искусства и познакомила с музейными экспонатами, произведениями искусства с запечатленными образами карагандинцев – Героев Советского Союза.

As a speaker of the conference, the director of Rukhaniyat SRC made a report on the theme: “Faces of Victory”. In her speech the lecturer showed one of the forms of work on preserving the historical memory of the heroic deed of the people by the example of the virtual exhibition “Faces of Victory”, held in Karaganda Regional Museum of Fine Arts and introduced the museum exhibits, works of art with the images of the Karaganda heroes of the Soviet Union.
The aim and the objective of the conference was to make a scientific comprehension of the contribution of the peoples of Central Asia to the victory in WWII, determination of the spiritual and psychological sources of our fathers and grandfathers feat, increasing of the interest from the society to the history of the region and patriotic education of the young generation.
The event was attended by heads and representatives of diplomatic missions of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, India, Indonesia, military attachés from Russia, China, USA, Italy, UK, Germany, Republic of Korea accredited in Uzbekistan, Director of SCO Public Diplomacy Center, scientists and specialists in World War II history from Central Asia.

Opening the conference, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan Hamdam Karshev read out a welcome address by Minister of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bakhodir Kurbanov. In particular, it was emphasized that it was the peoples of the allied republics who suffered the most during World War II and suffered numerous casualties. “Our nations will always bow before the courage, spiritual strength and patriotism of those who, not sparing themselves on the front and in the rear, day after day, hour after hour, forged victory over the enemy.”

MICA Director Anvar Nasirov noted in his speech that Central Asia had become a reliable rear for supplying the front.
Over 4 million people from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan were drafted into military units during the war.

About 1.5 million soldiers from Central Asian countries died, more than 780,000 people were awarded orders and medals, including more than 1,000 people who became Heroes of the Soviet Union, and about 250 people were full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

The countries of Central Asia received more than 3 million evacuees from the western territories covered by the war. Especially telling is the example of how children were rescued.
In their speeches, the heads of diplomatic missions of Central Asia, Russia and Belarus were unanimous in their opinion that Victory Day is one of the most revered and memorable dates.

It is a sacred day in the historical chronicle of peoples, a day that combines the joy of the triumph of life and the pain of losses. It is no exaggeration to say that there is no family that has not been touched by it. On this day we bow our heads to the memory of those who defeated fascism, gave us the opportunity to live under a peaceful sky and be free people.

It is emphasized that World War II, had a global significance and was ended thanks to the common efforts and unity of peoples, regardless of language or culture.

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Participants expressed confidence that the peoples of Central Asia, preserving the memory of the great feat of arms and labor of their fathers and grandfathers, will jointly direct all their efforts toward preserving the greatest value – a peaceful and prosperous life.
The results of the conference once again demonstrated the need to preserve the great feat of our ancestors in the memory of the younger generation for the sake of peace and tranquility on Earth.