On December 2, an open lesson on the discipline “Information and communication Technologies” was held with students of the U-21-1 group. The lesson was conducted by Professor of the Department of General Education Disciplines Shashchanova M.B. The topic of the lesson was “Internet technologies”.

As part of the independent work, the students developed presentations in English and made reports where various aspects of this topic were considered. The first report on the topic “Web structure. Web programming languages” was done by Zinaida Hartman, and Ksenia Gibert made a report on the topic “Internet Security”.

After the reports, questions were asked, to which exhaustive answers were given. Teachers and students vigorously discussed every issue.

The student speakers showed a good knowledge of English, the opportunity to practice in which contributed to the conduct of the discipline in English. The lesson was attended by: a representative of the educational and methodological Council, a teacher of the Department of OOD Grigorchuk I.Yu., a teacher of the Department of Pedagogy Kosmanova A, a teacher of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines Tutai D.S., who expressed their comments and suggestions and noted the high level of the open class.