Collaboration with the Branch Based on the Preschool Institution Aigolek

Starting from September 2023, the collaboration with the branch based on the preschool institution “Aigolek” was resumed for the discipline: “Work of educators in the preschool institution.”

The effectiveness of a daycare center depends on the work of the entire teaching staff, led by the methodologist. Innovating pedagogical technologies for creating educational programs requires a more advanced methodological approach. It is necessary to organize a unified process of the teaching staff’s work and enhance the qualifications of educators through various forms of methodological work.

Students from the Bolashak Academy had the opportunity to participate in a business game and observe the work of the methodologist. The business game focused on fostering creativity among young educators, creating situations of daily success for them. During the game, every victory and any progress were noted, and the culture of success was cultivated as a means of further self-development for young educators.

A top priority in the activities of the preschool institution is the protection and enhancement of health, as well as physical education. The medical and social conditions for the stay of the children at the “Aigolek” preschool institution align with the goals and objectives of the educational process.

Modern standards for preschool education place a significant emphasis on the ecological upbringing of children. A person’s ecological culture is developed from childhood, and it significantly influences how individuals relate to the surrounding natural environment.

Observation is a key method of ecological education in preschools. It allows children to understand the interconnectedness in nature, fosters an attitude towards it, and helps them appreciate its beauty and richness.

In order to ensure the integration of education and practice in the development of the educational program, employers, who represent the educational system (preschool organizations), participate.

The successful employment of graduates is one of the factors for the effective functioning of educational institutions. Building one’s career should start from the earliest stages of education at the university. The sooner our students understand the value of their careers, the more advantages they will have in the job market.

Today’s job market places new demands on the education system: it is necessary not only to provide knowledge but also to prepare graduates for life in new economic conditions, instill skills for social and professional adaptation in the labor market, self-improvement skills, and create professionals capable of competing.

Our teachers provide methodological, consultative, and pedagogical assistance to the educational staff of preschool organizations, parents, and assist in solving psychological and pedagogical tasks that arise in the educational process of the “Aigolek” Nursery and Kindergarten.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Rosa Zhiyembaevna Shaltaeva

Senior Lecturer, Master of Psychology, Rosa Mazrapovna Zhanysbayeva

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