Open curatorial hour within the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program

On the 30th of November 2021 the editors of department of Psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education Shutenova Sabira Sartaevna and Shegai Anel Kanatovna, within the limits of the program “Rukhani jagyru” held an open curator hour with students of 1-4 courses, dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the public figure and ethnographer Alikhan Bokeykhanov- struggleer for freedom of the people.

The aim of the event:

  • to introduce to the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan on the example of life and work of Alikhan Bokeykhanov, a prominent Kazakh public figure, ethnographer, publicist and leader of the party “Alash”;
  • To broaden students’ horizons; to inculcate an interest in learning languages, history of their country.

A video about Alikhan Bokeykhanov’s life and work was shown as part of the open curatorial hour.

The student of group PP-18-1 Kim Vladislav read the poem “Thank you”.

At the end of the thematic curatorial hour were brought up for discussion questions of scientific and pedagogical, public and political, journalistic and publicistic activity of Alikhan Bokeykhanov, on determination of national identity and Kazakhstani patriotism.

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