October 21, 2021 professor of legal disciplines Kabzhanov A.T. took an active part in the III All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Prevention and counteraction to extremism and terrorism in information environment as a condition of harmonization of interethnic and ethno-confessional relations” in Khatanov Federal State University named after N. F. Katanov (Abakan Republic of Khakassia RF).

Akylbek Taybulatovich made the report on the subject: “Problems of counteraction to extremism and terrorism in the Internet global network”.
Conference objectives: coordination of activities of authorities and other entities in the sphere of prevention and counteraction to extremism; exchange of experience in the sphere of combating extremist manifestations.
Conference objectives:
- generalization of experience in the sphere of prevention and counteraction to extremism and terrorism, implementation of migration policy, interaction with public associations of ethnic nature, and determination of trends of development of interethnic, ethno-confessional relations directly in the Republic of Khakassia;
- To work out proposals on improvement of the system of measures to prevent dissemination of extremism ideology among the population
- Improvement of methodology and justification of methods for detection and prevention of extremist manifestations;
- Development of civil position of young people, involvement of young people to participation in social-political life of Russian Federation; awareness increase and expansion of pedagogical toolkit of specialists working with youth in the questions of multicultural upbringing and education of youth.
We need it! The order and the form of participation in the conference are interesting.
Correspondence stage (15.09.2021 – 01.10.2021): selection of articles, reports, compilation of electronic materials of the conference.
Final stage (21.10.2021): grand opening of the Conference, plenary part, sections’ work, conference closing.
Form of participation in the Conference:
- oral report with the publication of the conference materials;
- participation without the report with the publication of conference materials;
- participation with the report without publication of conference materials.
In the light of the latest requirements related to the pandemic, holding a combined event in face-to-face and online and offline formats seems to be the most convenient, expedient and effective way to ensure the conference participants and improve the quality of the conference.