Online defense of diploma works of full-time students on 6B01101- “Pedagogy and Psychology” of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

On May 18, 2020 the protection of diploma works of students of groups P&P-16-1, P&P-17-1k took place.
The commission included:
Chairman of the Commission:
Tazhigulova Gulmira Olzhabaevna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Transport and Vocational Training, Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov.

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Члены комиссии:

Members of the commission:

  1. Maral Berekelovna Korzhumbayeva – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Academy “Bolashaq”;
  2. Tatiana Smolkina – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the “Bolashaq” Academy;
  3. Olga Nikiforova, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Bolashaq Academy;
  4. Shutenova Sabira Sartaevna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Bolashaq Academy.
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Secretary of the commission:
Venera Alimkulovna Baibekova – senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the “Bolashaq” Academy.
The list of students of groups P&P-16-1, P&P-17-1k on protection of diploma works.

Full name of the studentGroupDiploma work titleScientific Director (full name, academic degree, rank)Reviewer (full name, academic degree, title, place of work)
1Babayeva Taisia AndreyevnaP&P-16-1Reflected subjectivity of a nurturing adult as a way of developing a child’s personality.Nikiforova О.V. Cand.Ped.Sci., associate professorKapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”.
2Duleyeva Alina SergeyevnaP&P-16-1Study on the formation of psychological health among students of Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”.Elrich I.V. master, senior lecturerKapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”.
3Aitzhanova Fariza DuisenbayevnaP&P-16-1Developing tolerant attitudes among college students in an inclusive education environmentSmolkina T.P. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, ProfessorMirza N.V., PhD, professor, head of the department of preschool and psychological and pedagogical training of Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov
4Kazybekova Anna AidosovnaP&P-16-1Study of psychological features of basal structures of designing of life perspective of high school students with different types of gender identityNikiforova О.V. Cand.Ped.Sci., associate professorKapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”.
5Kulsariyeva Zere AmangeldiyevnaP&P-16-1Pedagogical prevention and correction of deviant behavior among adolescentsSmolkina T.P. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, ProfessorMirza N.V., PhD, professor, head of the department of preschool and psychological and pedagogical training of Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov
6Abeuova Madina KuanyshevnaP&P-16-1Psychological features of deviant behavior in the juvenile period.Nikiforova О.V. Cand.Ped.Sci., associate professorKapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”.
7Salamov Ruslan RamzanovichP&P-16-1Psychological and pedagogical support for adolescents in conflict situationsSmolkina T.P. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, ProfessorKapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”.
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On-line defense was provided by Skype software. All final-year students joined Skype at the designated time. Students made presentations based on their thesis papers. The protection was at a good level. Based on the results of the thesis defense, the students were evaluated. After announcing the grades, G.O. Tazhigulova, SAC Chairman, wished success to the graduates.

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