On May 18, 2020 the protection of diploma works of students of groups P&P-16-1, P&P-17-1k took place.
The commission included:
Chairman of the Commission:
Tazhigulova Gulmira Olzhabaevna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Transport and Vocational Training, Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov.

Члены комиссии:
Members of the commission:
- Maral Berekelovna Korzhumbayeva – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Academy “Bolashaq”;
- Tatiana Smolkina – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the “Bolashaq” Academy;
- Olga Nikiforova, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Bolashaq Academy;
- Shutenova Sabira Sartaevna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Bolashaq Academy.

Secretary of the commission:
Venera Alimkulovna Baibekova – senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the “Bolashaq” Academy.
The list of students of groups P&P-16-1, P&P-17-1k on protection of diploma works.
№ | Full name of the student | Group | Diploma work title | Scientific Director (full name, academic degree, rank) | Reviewer (full name, academic degree, title, place of work) |
1 | Babayeva Taisia Andreyevna | P&P-16-1 | Reflected subjectivity of a nurturing adult as a way of developing a child’s personality. | Nikiforova О.V. Cand.Ped.Sci., associate professor | Kapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”. |
2 | Duleyeva Alina Sergeyevna | P&P-16-1 | Study on the formation of psychological health among students of Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”. | Elrich I.V. master, senior lecturer | Kapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”. |
3 | Aitzhanova Fariza Duisenbayevna | P&P-16-1 | Developing tolerant attitudes among college students in an inclusive education environment | Smolkina T.P. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor | Mirza N.V., PhD, professor, head of the department of preschool and psychological and pedagogical training of Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov |
4 | Kazybekova Anna Aidosovna | P&P-16-1 | Study of psychological features of basal structures of designing of life perspective of high school students with different types of gender identity | Nikiforova О.V. Cand.Ped.Sci., associate professor | Kapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”. |
5 | Kulsariyeva Zere Amangeldiyevna | P&P-16-1 | Pedagogical prevention and correction of deviant behavior among adolescents | Smolkina T.P. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor | Mirza N.V., PhD, professor, head of the department of preschool and psychological and pedagogical training of Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov |
6 | Abeuova Madina Kuanyshevna | P&P-16-1 | Psychological features of deviant behavior in the juvenile period. | Nikiforova О.V. Cand.Ped.Sci., associate professor | Kapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”. |
7 | Salamov Ruslan Ramzanovich | P&P-16-1 | Psychological and pedagogical support for adolescents in conflict situations | Smolkina T.P. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor | Kapanova I.H. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”. |

On-line defense was provided by Skype software. All final-year students joined Skype at the designated time. Students made presentations based on their thesis papers. The protection was at a good level. Based on the results of the thesis defense, the students were evaluated. After announcing the grades, G.O. Tazhigulova, SAC Chairman, wished success to the graduates.