Since September students of PMNO-20-2 group gain experience on the basis of dual system, conduct lectures and practical classes in the branch of OSH №23. In November, students in the month of the methodological association of primary classes “Bilimdі ұrpaқ – el bolashagy” with students of the 4th grade was held intellectual game “Wheel of fortune”.

The main purpose of the event was to educate students about innovative technologies and ways of information of the XXI century.
This event was attended by: a specialist UMU academy “Bolashaq” Dana Samatovna Seytzhanova, the head of the Department of “Pedagogy” Ph, Associate Professor Dana Salamatovna Asakaeva, teachers of the department and students of groups PMNO-19-2, PMNO-22-2, PIP-22-2 and deputy director on profile training of the school Koshkimbayeva Asem Kenzhebaevna, deputy for educational work Baygombenova Saule Nigmatullayevna, as well as elementary school teachers.
Intellectual game “Wheel of fortune” consisted of three stages and a final, and there was also organized a game with the audience. Students for each stage of the game prepared tasks for specific subjects, logic questions, cognitive games.
The deputy director for educational work of Secondary School № 23 Baigombenova Saule Nigmatullaevna, specialist of Educational Department Seytzhanova Dana Samatovna and the head of the department candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Asakaeva Dana Salamatovna welcomed the participants of the event.

The event was informative, interesting and useful for the participants. Participants of the intellectual game “Wheel of fortune” were awarded special prizes and diplomas. Participants shared their impressions and expressed gratitude to the organizers.

Senior teacher of the department “Pedagogy” Sarbasova Kalimash Amangeldinovna, the organizer of this event, responsible for the branch school №23, thanked guests and participants for their activity, congratulated with the successful completion of the intellectual game and expressed her desire for further fruitful work.