The training was conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Asakaeva Dana Salamatovna with the participation of students from In-21-1.

Conducting a class in the discipline “Research and Project Activities” outside the Academy and in the coaching format was a joint initiative of D.S. Asakaeva. and students of the In-21-1 group and is a non-traditional form of education, which uses a variety of methods and techniques that differ from the classical structure of classes and are aimed at increasing the interest and active participation of students in the learning process.
A distinctive feature of this training was that Asakaeva D.S. applied a coaching format of training. Students reviewed the Dils Pyramid, which is effectively used in coaching when designing and planning professional activities.

Coaching technologies provide an excellent opportunity to reflect the interdisciplinary integration of the material being studied.
So, Asakaeva D.S. showed the use of the “Reverse Design” method (author – American teacher Ralph W. Tyler, 1949), studied in the discipline “Content and assessment system in secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in the design of the educational process, which allows us to consider one issue from different angles.