On March 13, offline training on the phased expansion of the volunteer project “My Brother”, organized by the National Scientific and Practical Institute for Improving the Welfare of Children “ORKEN”, took place within the walls of the Bolashaq Academy. Who conducted the training:

Kultaeva L. A. from the National Scientific and Practical Institute for Improving the Welfare of Children “ORKEN” in Almaty and Kakenova G. B., representative of the Karaganda branch.

Members of the Bolashaq Academy Volunteer Club participated in the Offline training! Students of all educational programs of the Academy took part in the volunteer ranks.

One of the goals of this volunteer project involves the active participation of students in various initiatives aimed at creating a favorable and developing educational environment for schoolchildren.
Various games were played during the learning process. How to determine the moral and mental state of school-age children? How to work with them? – students have received answers to such questions!
During the seminar , the students performed the song “Bauyr kerek ” performed by Bekzat Kunanbai and expressed their positive emotions.
Students of the Bolashaq Academy invite young people to take part in the Menin Bauyrym project.