October 18, The Day of Spiritual Harmony – An Open Advisor-Led Meeting

On October 18, 2023, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines, G.K. Otyshiyeva, conducted an open session with students of group Ю-23 – 2, dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony on the topic: ‘October 18 – Day of Spiritual Harmony’.

The aim of the meeting was to provide students with an understanding of the religious landscape in independent Kazakhstan, religious freedom, tolerance in interfaith relations, the Kazakhstani model of interethnic and interfaith harmony, and the President’s policy in establishing peace and interfaith harmony.

G.K. Otyshiyeva informed the students that the unity and harmony of the people of Kazakhstan are the primary values of the independent state, and its most significant principle is respect for the religious beliefs of its citizens.

Spiritual harmony, unity among nations, and traditional religions are our invaluable assets, and stability is our cornerstone. We have arrived at this blessed day through unity. We understand that the socio-economic indicator of the country will develop on the basis of mutual peace among peoples. Wise leaders have always attached great importance to unity and peace.

October 18 is now marked on our calendar as the Day of Spiritual Harmony – a significant initiative born from the idea of establishing peace on Kazakhstani soil and creating a sustainable society.

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