On February 29, 2020, the presentation of the monograph ‘Criminal legal protection of transport security under the legislation of Kazakhstan and Russia’ took place (Moscow, publishing house “YurLitInform”, 2020) took place at Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda Economic University.

The presentation was conducted by the authors of the monograph, Doctor of Laws, Professor K.A. Bakishev (KKEU, Kazakhstan) and Doctor of Laws, Professor A.I. Chuchayev (Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Russia).

There was also a public lecture by Professor A.I. Chuchayev on “Crimes against justice: problems of theory and law enforcement”.

Professors A.T. Kabzhanov and B.K. Syzdyk actively participated from our Academy.

The meeting was held at a high scientific and theoretical level. Colleagues from all universities of the city came to listen to the lecture and get acquainted with the monograph of the author.

Department of Legal Disciplines thanks for the meeting and wishes creative success to the authors of the monograph!