On December 10, 2020 in the reading room of the library a meeting was held between teachers of the Academy “Bolashaq” and representatives of IS “Paragraph”: Perizat Kamalieva and Vladimir Myazin.

A presentation of the product was held. The features of the Paragraph were demonstrated and the conditions of its use were explained. Presented were G.M. Rysmagambetova, A.T. Kabzhanov, A.S. Daribekova, S.B. Bekzhanova, T.Y. Abisheva, A.O. Kusainova, A.A. Shvedova.

“Professional Legal Information” PPI:
The block “PPI” includes documents in Russian and Kazakh languages: constitution, constitutional laws, codes, laws, presidential decrees having the force of constitutional law; presidential decrees having the force of law; other normative legal acts of the President, normative decrees of the Government and orders of the Prime Minister, normative decrees of the Constitutional Council, Supreme Court and Central Election Commission, international agreements ratified and approved by decrees of the Government and acts of central and local state authorities, normative legal acts of ministries, agencies, their departments and other central state authorities (registered with the Ministry of Justice), foundations of the Akimats registered with the regional justice authorities), draft normative legal acts, explanatory notes, conclusions of scientific expertise to them, comparative tables, acts of Parliament and its chambers on the passage of bills – made by Resolutions of the Government (until 2015), court decisions -(earlier years), individual standards and other NTDs, tax letters until 2009 (earlier years), reference information (partly), forms of legal documents approved by state authorities, tax, production calendar.

Additional features:
Paragraph EDI – electronic document management between companies, which will help to speed up the signing of documents.
Paragraph Work – allows graduate students to post their CVs, securing their employment.

Contract constructor – allows creation of any contract necessary for further work.
PRAVMEDIA Webinars – webinars on absolutely different topics, allowing students and teachers to upgrade their skills.
Business Analyst – allows you to find out all the information you need about a company and check its credibility.

Pink Scales function – allows you to see a list of court cases on a given article or situation in a particular document, law or code. The function is limited, as our set does not include all court cases, but only partial information.
The main purpose of InfoTech & Service LLP’s cooperation with educational institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan is to develop and improve the legal literacy of students and teachers.