On March 18, 2022, on the eve of the spring holiday Nauryz Meiramy, Academy "Bolashaq" held the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Master Readings - 2022". The conference is held annually among students, undergraduates and young scientists.
The conference was held online, through the platform ZOOM.

Welcoming remarks to the conference were opened by Kadyrova Gulzhan Adilovna, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation and Serimov Eleuzhan Elemesovich, Director of the Center for Research and Organization of Postgraduate Education, PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Academy “Bolashaq”.

Reports at the plenary session were made by:
Vocabulary of the Kazakh language traditions. Sayagul Saylauovna Smayilova, “Bolashaq” Academy of “Kazakh language and literature” (2nd year master students). The following students: E.A.Boketov and Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology Kenzhegalyev S.A. of the Kazak State University Department.
mobile applications as a tool for learning a foreign language, Vyakhireva Lydia Sergeevna, a 1-year master’s student of the educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages” Academy “Bolashaq”, supervisor: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of Academy “Bolashaq” Gazikhanova J.G.
Ilesbekov Aidar Berikovich, the 1st year magistrant of the educational program “Jurisprudence” of Academy “Bolashaq”, supervisor, PhD in law, associate professor Rysmagambetova G.M.
Zamanaui bereudin tasilderi – bilim sapasyn artyru kepili, Saule Dalabayevna Iztuleuova, “Bolashaq” Academy of “Pedagogy and psychology” bilim beru bagdarlamasyny 2nd year undergraduates, ª492↩ыыльные жетеші: Pedagogy and psychology candidates, associate professor, professor, professor, academician of Halykaralı Akparatandiru Akademii Abilkasimova G.
STATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF VICTIMOLOGY AS SCIENCE, ITS IMPORTANCE FOR PREDICTION OF CRIMINITY, Kusainova Aliya Askarovna, MA student of the 2nd course of educational program “Jurisprudence” of Academy “Bolashaq”, supervisor: candidate of law, associated professor Rysmagambetova G.M.
С. TALZHANOVATSY SHYҒARMALARYNYҢKEMDlK SIPATY, Tölegen Könilzhan, “Bolashaq” Academy of “Kazak tilі menәdebietі” bilim beru bagdarlamasyny 2nd year master students, Ғıly tëtekshі: Candidates of philalogy, “Bolashaq” Academy professors Sembiyev K. З.
CRIMINOLOGICAL PROFILING SIGNIFICANCE AND ROLE, Gibert Alexander Nikolaevich, Master’s student of the 1st course of educational program “Jurisprudence” of “Bolashaq” Academy, supervisor, PhD in law, associate professor Rysmagambetova G.M.
VARIATIVE MODELS OF MUSIC LANGUAGE IN SCHOOL EDUCATION, Kebekpai Alua Erzhankyzy, master student of the 1st course of educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages” of Academy “Bolashaq”, supervisor, doctor of philosophy (PhD), associate professor of Academy “Bolashaq” Gazikhanova J.G.
To the question of psychologicalpedagogical support of the inclusive education in the REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, Maira Bakhytovna Nurtazina, master’s student of the 2nd year of the educational program “Pedagogy and psychology” Academy “Bolashaq”, supervisor – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Academy “Bolashaq” Asakaeva D.S.
Bancruptsy mechanism of individuals, Aknur Erbolovna Koshmaganbetova, 3rd year student of “Bolashaq” Academy, Finance department, Z.K. Usuvaliyeva.
At the end of the plenary session, all participants were presented with letters of thanks and certificates.

The work of the sections was held in the following areas:
Law – 16.
Pedagogy and psychology – 13
Kazakh language and literature -18
Finance – 14
Foreign language: two foreign languages – 8
A total of 69 papers were submitted for the conference.
On behalf of the “Bolashaq” Academy administration, we would like to thank everyone who decided to participate in this conference.