March 8 at the Bolashaq Academy

The festive event at the Bolashaq Academy dedicated to International Women’s Day was held at the highest level, leaving indelible impressions on all those present. Every moment of this event was imbued with warmth, respect and gratitude to the female half of the academic staff.

Presenters Imanbayev Birzhan and Orazkenov Amirkhan managed to create a relaxed and joyful atmosphere in which everyone felt at home.

From the very beginning of the event, the atmosphere was saturated with the expectation of something special. The welcoming words of the rector of the Academy, Rysmagambetova G.M., established a sincere and inspiring mood. Letters of thanks and diplomas awarded in recognition of the merits and achievements of the women of the Academy emphasized the importance of their contribution to the educational process and the development of science.

The musical performances of the students added a special charm to the event, demonstrating the talents and creativity of the younger generation.

I especially remember the concert program from the male staff of teachers. The speeches of Professor Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich, Ganeev R.R., Smirnov S.Yu., and Murtazin Sh. were a real discovery.

Game highlights such as “Guess who?”and “Crocodile” introduced an element of fun and friendly competition, and musical guitar numbers and touching song performances enhanced the overall impression of the evening, filling it with emotions and joy.

Their sincerity and skill allowed the audience to take a fresh look at familiar things and feel a deep connection with cultural traditions.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this evening was a vivid example of how a team can unite for a common goal – to pay tribute and gratitude to women. The concert at the Bolashaq Academy was really held at the highest level, leaving warm memories in the hearts of each participant and guest of the holiday that will warm them for a long time.

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