On April 26, 2024, a conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Academician K.I. was held in the assembly hall of the main building of the Bolashaq Academy. Satpayev and brings together leading scientists and specialists in the fields of law, economics, linguistics, medicine and pharmacy, as well as pedagogy and psychology.

Participants and geography of submitted articles:
A total of 180 articles were submitted from scientists from various countries, including:
Uzbekistan (Karakalpak State University, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute)
Russia (Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Gorno-Altai State University)
Kazakhstan (Eurasian National University, Kazakh National Medical University)
Türkiye, Ukraine and many others.
The opening of the conference was held by the rector of the Bolashaq Academy, Gulnara Musievna Rysmagambetova, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor.

In her welcoming speech, she emphasized the significance of the event for the scientific community and the contribution of Academician K.I. Satpayev in the development of science.

The moderator of the plenary session was Sembiev Kurmangazy Zakirovich, professor, candidate of philological sciences, who organized the discussion and introduced the main speakers.

At the plenary session of the conference, the works of Urazbaev Khamit Kurentaevich, (candidate of historical sciences, professor of Karaganda Technical University) were heard, presented a report on the topic “The role of academician K.I. Satpayev in the formation and development of academic science in Kazakhstan,” Sembiev Kurmangazy Zakiruly, (professor, candidate philological sciences), spoke about the monograph by K.N. Menlibaeva “Kundylyk – ulttyk bolmysty aykyndaushy factor”, Kuttymuratova Yrysty Abdirahmanovna, (Associate Professor of the Nokis State Pedagogical Institute) made a report on the dialect features of the Karakalpak language, Omarova Vera Yuryevna (methodologist for primary classes) shared methods of working with underachievers by students. Tnimova Gulbagiza Taufikovna (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor at Bolashaq Academy) presented a study of motivation for professional activities of university teachers.

Breakout sessions:
The conference was organized into seven sections, each focusing on a specific area of research:
Current problems of legal science and law enforcement practice
Development of the financial system in the modern economy
The current linguistic situation in a multilingual world
New directions in linguistics and national literature
Pedagogy and psychology: current problems and development trends
Current problems in the development of social sciences and humanities
Modern aspects of biology, medicine and pharmacy
Each section provided a platform for sharing knowledge and experience, discussing the latest research and innovation in their field. Outstanding papers were recognized and presented in a plenary session where participants could discuss key scientific issues and proposals.
The conference ended with the presentation of certificates to participants who actively participated in the discussions and made a significant contribution to the work of the sections.

This conference was extremely rich, covering a wide range of topics, from medicine and pharmacy to law and linguistics. The organizers aimed to create a platform for the exchange of ideas and scientific achievements, which helps strengthen international cooperation in the academic environment