International scientific and methodological seminar: “Actual problems of multicultural education in the XXI century”

On December 10 the Center of a humane pedagogics of “Bolashaq” Academy (Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan) together with the Russian University of friendship of the people (Moscow, the Russian Federation) carried out the next International scientific and methodical seminar in online format: “Actual problems of polycultural education in the XXI century”.

The teachers of Karaganda Technical University and Karaganda Industrial University took part in the scientific-methodical seminar by the invitation of the Center of Humanistic Pedagogics of “Bolashaq” Academy.

After a welcoming speech by the head of the Russian language department of PFUR Dr. of pedagogical sciences, Professor V. B. Kurilenko, vice-rector for science and international cooperation of the Academy “Bolashaq” associate professor G. A. Kadyrova, director of the Center for Humane Pedagogy, associate professor G.K. Bokizhanova. N., associate professor, associate professor Arzumanova R.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Telezhko I.V. (Moscow, Peoples Friendship University of Russia), candidate of philological sciences, professor Dikanbaeva S.A. (Karaganda, “Bolashaq” Academy), candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Nasyrova A.B., master of philological sciences Kabanova A.B., master of philological sciences Sharipova A.M. (Karaganda, Karaganda Technical University), senior lecturer Salpenova M.M. (Temirtau, Karaganda Industrial University)

The sounded reports aroused scientific interest and creative resultant discussion by the participants of the scientific-methodical seminar.

The international scientific-methodical seminar became the platform for exchange of progressive educational practices of Kazakhstan and Russia as the strengthening of scientific cooperation between the two countries.

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