On April 24th 2021 in the year of thirtieth anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan in E. A. Buketov Karaganda University the First Subject Olympiad of International Law was held among the universities of Karaganda at the Law Faculty.
The Olympiad was held aiming to enhance the quality of higher education, consolidate and deepen knowledge and skills gained during theoretical and practical training, develop students’ creative abilities, discover gifted and talented youth, build a human resource potential for research, professional activity.

- Increasing the interest in the discipline of international law and international processes taking place in the world;
-revealing students’ ability to apply acquired knowledge of public international law to solve situations
- developing logical thinking and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice;
- revealing the level of fluency in the state and English languages among students.
- development of independence in making professional decisions in the modern conditions of legal activity organization;
- testing students’ ability and readiness to act systematically in professional situations and analyze their activities;
- preparation of students for participation in the annual Republican Olympiad in International Law
-Formation of positive views on the further development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Three students of the educational program “Jurisprudence” were applied for participation in the Olympiad from the Academy “BOLASHAQ”: Sabysheva Saniya, Orynova Asiya, Ospanov Madiyar.
The team was prepared by teachers of the Department of Legal Disciplines: Associate Professor M.M. Mukhataev, senior teachers N.S. Zhumzhumaev and J.E. Turganova.

The members of the competitive commission included the dean of the faculty of law and the faculty of constitutional and international law, the prosecutor of the third department of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Karaganda region, lawyer of the second class, master of laws Kim Evgenia Aleksandrovna, the senior lecturer of the chair of general legal disciplines of Karaganda Academy of the MIA RK named after Barimbek Beisenov, police lieutenant colonel, master of laws Ladigina Oksana Aleksandrovna, assistant professor of constitutional and international law Karaganda, professor of the faculty of law of the Karaganda region. A. Buketova, PhD Bilyalova Marzhan Isakovna, assistant professor of the chair of legal disciplines of “BOLASHAQ” Academy, Master of Law Muratbek Meiramovich Mukhataev.

The Olympiad was held to promote international legal knowledge and development of friendly relations between universities.
The Olympiad was held in 3 stages:
- testing for knowledge of international public law in the state language.
- Oral round in English.
- Solution of tasks on application of international law norms.

According to the final result the prize places were distributed as follows:
1 place:
Team of Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov.
2nd place:
Team of Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RK named after B. Beisenov.
3rd place:
BOLASHAQ Academy team.
Our students demonstrated a high level of theoretical and practical training with application of modern technologies, including information and communication.
Department of legal disciplines in the future must improve the educational and extracurricular work with students in the study of the discipline “Public International Law”.
The information was prepared by Associate Professor, M.M. Mukhataev.