Teachers of the department of legal disciplines Abdizhami A. J., Otynshieva G. K., Nurtayeva D. B. held brain-ring among students of all educational programs “Generation of the independent country” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 2, 2021.

Brain-ring game included 3 stages:
- Who is fastest?
- general questions.
- if i……….
Students of programs of pharmacy, Kazakh language and literature, finance, pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology of primary education took part in the game.

According to the results of the game:
1st place was taken by students of educational programs of Kazakh language and literature (Orazkhan Aikenje, Zhuragat Aymaral, Shokparova Alua).
2nd place was taken by the students of the educational program Pharmacy (Zharylgasynov Ersultan, Iskakov Alibek).
3rd place was taken by students of finance programs (Tanashov Zhanat, Altynbek Ayazhan) and pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology of primary education (Musalim Madina, Mukhamediya Ayim).