Happy and hardworking students are the key to the prosperity of the Academy! Today, on October 19, a long-awaited concert for the first year students was held at our Academy. It was very pleasant to see happy and delighted faces of our students. We had to write scripts, invite the best showmen and singers and of course the most important thing was acceptance of our first year students to the ranks of students! It took us a long time to find the best presenters and singers. But as we promised, the best of the best performed for our students, namely Ayan Amanbaev, Saliya Beisenova, Meruert Toybekova, Aigerim Bisimbaeva and our favorite showman and just favorite of spectators Meirbek Bayshagirov!

The program included various competitions, where freshmen showed their creative skills.

To see our students laughing, happy, cheerful and happy gives us pleasure. we wish further professional growth to our guests and many thanks to our students and for their great participation!

There were contests in the program, where freshmen showed their skills and talent.