In the period from November 1 to November 8, introductory conversations were held in the library of the Academy to get acquainted with the electronic database of IRBIS64 and the Republican Interuniversity Library (RIEB)

Memorandum on the establishment of the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library

This Memorandum was concluded in order to consolidate the agreements and intentions of its participants to combine the electronic educational resources of the universities of the republic into a single information system – the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library (RIEL) – to provide faculty, students, undergraduate, graduate students with modern information educational resources. Charter of the Institution “Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library”. The institution “Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library”, hereinafter referred to as the “Institution”, was created at the initiative of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and operates on the basis of voluntariness, self-government, accountability, legality and publicity of activities. It is a non-governmental, non-profit organization and was created to implement the goals and objectives provided for by the Charter.

IRBIS64 fully reflects the entire fund of our library.

In these conversations, the participants got the opportunity to see in practice how it is possible to conduct a search with the greatest efficiency for themselves. I would especially like to note the activity of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines. We were visited by representatives of the departments of legal and financial disciplines, the department of pedagogy.

We hope that our information was useful for all our guests.

We look forward to seeing you again in our library!

We remind you that there is one more date left on November 15 (conversation hours 14:00, 15:00, 16:00)

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