From 18th to 19th of April the experts of Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) on programme accreditation of OP “Pharmacy”, OP “PMNO” worked at the Academy.

The expert group consisted of: Bekmagambetova Roza Karpykova – Professor, Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Head of the group); Berezina Tamara – Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education named after Academician of RAO V.A. Slastenin, Saule Negmatullayevna Baigombenova – Deputy Director for Academic Work, Teacher of Kazakh Language and Literature of Karaganda Secondary School №23 (representative of employers); Ms. Raihan Esenzhanovna Tuleutayeva – Head of Pharmacology Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Musin M.N., Semey Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Golyak Natalia Stepanovna – Head of Pharmacy Technology Department, Ph, Assistant Professor, Belarusian State Medical University (international expert); Tulebaev Erbolat Abillayevich – Director of retail pharmacy chain “Paracelsus” LLP (representative of employers); Provotorova Ilona Sergeevna – 5th year student of Pharmacy faculty of Karaganda Medical University (representative of students); Zhumagulova Îlea Ìühmed Alikyzy – University of Karaganda named after E. A. Buketov (student, PhD in pharmacy). A Buketov, 3rd year student of PG PMNO; Dana Bagdatovna Maksutova – coordinator of expert group (IQAA).