On May 13, doctor Kuur S. G. held discussions in groups about the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially during the upcoming session.

What forms a healthy lifestyle?
Personal hygiene: compliance with the rules and requirements of personal hygiene is mandatory for every cultural person. Caring for the body and oral cavity, hygiene of clothes and shoes has not only individual, but also social significance, since neglecting them can lead to the spread of diseases in the team.
Culture of interpersonal communication: for successful interaction with people around you you need:
-think before you speak
-do not make fun of your interlocutor
-do not interrupt your interlocutor
-avoid arrogant, dismissive behavior towards the interlocutor
-respect the point of view of the interlocutor
-call your interlocutor by name

Show respect and you can achieve harmonious and productive relationships with people!
- Work and rest regime: it is necessary to lead a clearly organized lifestyle, maintain a constant regime in study, rest, nutrition, sleep and exercise.
4.Organization of sleep: a student needs 7.5-8 hours of good sleep.
- Organizing your diet: the habit of skipping breakfast and eating a lot in the evening must be eradicated. A varied meal containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates is required 5 times a day.
- Organization of physical activity: spend 8 – 12 hours a week walking: during the study period 8000-13000 steps, during the examination period 3000-4000 steps, during the holidays 14000-19000 steps per day. Do exercises in the morning.
- Prevention of bad habits: the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco is among the most important risk factors for many diseases that negatively affect the health of students.
Ascorbic acid was distributed to enhance immunity.