Healthy lifestyle. How to prevent SARS, influenza and other viral infections. Information about smallpox monkeys

On September 11, 2024, the doctor of the Kuur Academy S. G. held group talks with students about the prevention of SARS , influenza, and coronavirus infection.

All viral diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets, that is, through the air, especially when a person coughs or sneezes. Given that drops of saliva and sputum settle on surrounding objects, you can get infected by contact: through household items, door handles, handrails in public transport.

Every year, usually since September, since the beginning of the school year, the incidence of viral infections has been increasing, and in November the influenza virus is activated.

                             Rules of conduct during an epidemic.

Follow the rules of personal hygiene:

– carry a supply of medical masks with you, wear a mask in public places (buses, shops, cinemas) or when in contact with a patient;

-wash your hands immediately after returning home;

  • process the dez. means the surface of the phone, keyboard, door handles;

– avoid contact with the patient;

-ventilate the study rooms;

-at the first signs of illness, stay at home, call a doctor or go to the clinic for a filter;

Get a flu shot! From September 15, everyone can receive the vaccine at the polyclinic at the place of attachment.

                                                   Smallpox of monkeys.

Monkey pox is an infectious disease of animals and humans caused by a virus.

It can manifest itself as a painful rash, enlarged lymph nodes and fever.

Infection occurs through physical contact with an infected animal, a sick person, or through contaminated objects.

To date, more than 18 thousand cases of monkey pox have been registered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, isolated cases have been identified in other African countries, in European countries, in the United States. 524 people have died. The WHO has declared the outbreak of monkey pox an emergency. This disease has not been registered in Kazakhstan. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed preventive measures to prevent the import and spread of smallpox of monkeys in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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