Bolashaq Academy students participated in another “Integrity Hour” organized by the Anti-Corruption Agency.
The Agency for Counteraction to Corruption continues to promote the principles of integrity among young people through online lessons.
Thus, the guest of the regular event “The Hour of Decency” was a famous poet, a bright representative of modern Kazakh literature and culture Kalkaman Sarin.
In his lecture the winner of the State awards “Daryn” and “Altyn Kalam”, member of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan, the author of the words of songs widely known to the public noted that his life credo are the words of the great Abay “Yenbek etse yerninbey, toady karnyn tilenbey” that means “Work is the head, honest work helps to reach the top”.
According to K. Sarin, patriotism and love for the Motherland are the main indicators of a good personality. And to be a patriot, every citizen should know his history, and only then he will be proud of his country, his land and his ancestors.
The life example of decency for K. Sarin is his parents. He attributes his achievements directly to their exemplary lifestyle and upbringing.
“The future is in the hands of a generation that is warmed by the warmth of its mother’s hearth and grew up in the shadow of the oak tree planted by its father,” said K. Sarin.

In conclusion he noted that every young Kazakhstani must aspire to be the best version of himself, to bring up good habits and to be kinder to others.
The main goal of the “Hour of Kindness” campaign is to promote the ideology of kindness and inculcate such important moral values as honesty, fairness, decency and trust in the younger generation through the life and work path of famous personalities.”