On March 29, Orazgalieva F. S. held an educational practical lesson in the library of the Academy. Students of the IN 22-1-2 group got acquainted with all kinds of dictionaries. Linguistic, industry, thesauruses and encyclopedic dictionaries were presented to their attention.

The teacher elaborated on the classification of dictionaries. L. V. Shcherba was the first in Russian science to address the problem of dictionary typology. He proposed a classification of dictionaries based on 6 opposites:
An academic dictionary is a reference dictionary. An academic dictionary is a normative one that describes the lexical system of a given language: it should not contain facts that contradict modern usage. In contrast to academic dictionaries, reference dictionaries can contain information about a wider range of words that go beyond the boundaries of the normative literary language.
An encyclopedic dictionary is a general dictionary. The juxtaposition of encyclopedic (describe a thing, a reality) and linguistic dictionaries (describe words).
Thesaurus is an ordinary (explanatory or translated) dictionary. Thesauruses are dictionaries that contain all the words found in a given language at least once.
An ordinary (explanatory or translated) dictionary is an ideological (ideographic) dictionary. In an ideological dictionary, words should go in order.
Explanatory dictionary is a dictionary with interpretations of words.
Historical Dictionary is a non—historical dictionary.
Orazgalieva F. S. voiced the typological features of linguistic dictionaries from different points of view. Students had the opportunity to view dictionaries, see their structure, and submit pronounceable litters. We received information on how to effectively use such publications, what information they carry.
Linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries were presented by such publications:
— Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms/ S. N. Bonova, V. L. Vorontsova, N. A. Eskova; ed. by R. I. Avanesova. Moscow: Rus. Yaz., 1983. – 704 p.
— Dictionary of foreign words/Edited by I. V. Lekhin, F. N. Petrov. – Moscow: State University. Foreign publishing house. and the national dictionaries, 1954. – 853 p.
— Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language/Comp. L. A. Voynova et al.Edited by A. I. Molotkov. – Moscow: Russian language, 1978. – 543 p.
— Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language/ Edited by I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay. In 4 volumes. Vol. 2, I-O. – M.: Citadel, 1998. – 1024 p.
— Oxford Qazaq Distionary: kazaksha-agylshynsha zhane agylshynsha-kazaksha sozdik [Matin] : dictionary / editorlar Z. Bashbaeva [et al.]. – Birinshi basylym. – Almaty : “Ulttyk audarma burosy” korporatik kory, 2023. – 1368 b. (this dictionary was obtained from “Ulttyk audarma burosy” in the amount of 65 copies)
Russian Russian dictionary is a popular English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary. About 130,000 words, phrases and meanings [Text] = English-russian, russian-English dictionary : reference edition / V. K. Muller. – M.: AST, 2022. – 638 p.
— Anyktamalyk sozdik (Latin-oryssha-kazaksha) [Matin] = Dictionary-reference (Latin-Russian-Kazakh) : reference edition / M. Shaidarov, M. Akhmetov ; Kazakhstan Republikasy Madeniyet zhane sport ministerligi. – Astana : Polygraph Combine, 2015. – 479 b. – Paidalanylgan adebietter: 474-477 b.
— Oxford economics of education [Matin] : dictionary / J. Blak, N. Hashimzade, G. Miles. – Nur Sultan : “Ulttyk audarma burosy” kogamdyk kory, 2019. – 608 bet : sur. – (Kazakh tilindegi 100 zhana okulyk) (Kazakh tilindegi 100 zhana okulyk . Zhana humanitarian bilim ). – Trans. ed. : A Dictionary of Economics (Oxford Quick Reference) / Black John, Hashimzade Nigar, Myles Gareth. – First Edition. – New York London, 2017.
–Legal encyclopedic dictionary [Text] : dictionary / O. G. Rumyantsev, V. N. Dodonov. – M. : Infra-M, 1997. – 384 p. – (Infra-M Dictionary Library).
and others .
We invite you to visit our library, where you will find many other dictionaries and publications for every taste.