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Library Academy “Bolashaq” introduces readers to new books.

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The key to the start! Album / Author-compiler A.Y. Sorokin – Karaganda: “Glasir”, 2013, 204 p. Album is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin’s flight into space.
ISBN 978-601.-7397-36-4

The publication was prepared using the Literature: Cosmonautics of the USSR, Moscow, ed. “Mashinostroenie, Planeta, 1986; Encyclopedia Cosmonautica, Moscow, ed. “Soviet Encyclopedia, 1985; Baikonur. The Beginning of the XXI Century, Y. D. Churyanov, M., ed. “Military Parade, 2005.

Photo materials: S. Kazak, A. Kaliev, S. Kuzmin, A. Pantyukhin, A. Orlov, S. Sergeev, A. Sorokin, O. Urusov Photos of Yuri Gagarin are from the archive of the press service of the 11284 troop unit commander and from the anniversary calendar issued by the Association of Russian Cosmonautics Museums for the 70th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin, 2004. All materials are taken from open sources. Design, typesetting: A. Sorokin Text translation: M. Nsanov Proofreaders: M. Rodiukova, N. Karapidi


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Nava S. S.
Nomadic Culture of Tuvinians through the Prism of Cultural Contacts: Cultural Research: Monograph / edited by O. N. Sudakova. – Irkutsk: Ottisk Publishing House, 2013. – 132 с.
ISBN 978-5-905847-36-3
This work is dedicated to the culturological identification of the results of cultural contacts of Tuvinians who became part of their nomadic culture in the late 18th – first half of the 20th century. The contents of the concept “nomadic culture”, methodology of its culturological research, influence of cultures of neighboring nations on spiritual values of nomads, markers of cultural contacts in Tuvinian costume and layers of cultural contacts in works of folk art of Tuvinians of 19th – first half of 20th centuries. The material of the monographic research can be interesting for graduate, undergraduate and graduate students of culture studies, as well as for all those interested in nomadic culture of Tuvinians.

Table of ContentsDownload

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Inspection of the place of incident: Educational and practical manual / under the general editorship of T.M. Narikbayev. – Astana: KazGJU, 2013. – 256 pp. Almaty: “La Creation” LLP, 2013.
ISBN 978-601-80377-4-0
The original desk manual consolidates the basics of the work of the bodies conducting the criminal process at the scene of the incident. The inspection of the scene is, figuratively, the beginning of all beginnings in criminal proceedings. Its tactically correct execution is the key to success and effectiveness of the investigation. It is addressed to all those involved in the orbit of criminal proceedings, as well as practicing lawyers.

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