We will be glad to see You in our Academy!

Dear graduates!

“Bolashaq” Academy invites you to study for a master’s degree in the educational programs “Foreign language: two foreign languages” (scientific and pedagogical training program -2 years of study, field specific training program -1 year of study).

The purpose of the programs is the
training of highly qualified and competitive specialists of the new formation who comply with the social needs, international standards and requirements of professional activity in the fields of scientific, pedagogical and foreign language education, fundamental and applied linguistics through the acquisition of the modern scientific picture of the world in the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages and intercultural communication.

In the course of their study master students get acquainted with the the updated paradigm of pedagogical and foreign language education, new approaches to foreign language education technologies, effective organizational forms and methods of teaching in schools and universities based on modeling of foreign language communication, modern digital technologies and forms of education in the system of foreign language education and much more.

Master students are engaged in the research work, participate in scientific conferences of various levels, have a scientific training and research practice.

Teaching is provided in English.

The teaching and research work supervision within the programs is carried out by the academically highly-qualified staff: doctors of science, PhD doctors, candidates of science, professors and associate professors with a great experience in the research and pedagogical work.

We will be glad to see You in our Academy!!!

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