In the early morning of February 21, 2020, it was chilly and snowy in Karaganda. But this didn’t prevent many high school students from urban and rural schools from getting to the conscriptly lit windows of the Bolashaq Academy building on Bolashaq Square. After passing through the hospitably open doors and the lobby, they found themselves in a warm and cozy hall. Here they have already been awaited: a solemn and, at first glance, such a strict jury, excited teachers of the DINO department, friendly students who tasted the taste of the student academic life and looked at their future younger friends with interest. After all, who ever visited Bolashaq Academy, plunged into its memorable atmosphere, will want to be here again!

What brings high school students to quite a distant Academy? To get to it, for example, from the village Atasu or Taldybulak it is necessary to drive in one direction at least 200 km! And he brought schoolchildren to our university to take an interest in such a difficult, but so important profession – teacher! They, their teachers knew that again in these academic walls will be held a complex and exciting contest, which has become annual and traditional, called “The future teacher of the new formation.

In their schools, thanks to the enthusiasm of their teachers, among whom there are many graduates of the Academy, they have already become involved in this profession. But these were “home” performances, “home” excitement. Now all of them were waiting for the next, we can say, professional stage in the form of a fascinating competition and Olympiad among the arrived teams.

The Olympiad “Future teacher of a new formation” among pupils of 11 classes of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of Karaganda and Karaganda region is organized and conducted by Bolashaq Academy (further – Academy) together with the Department of Education of Karaganda region.
According to the Regulations of the contest, the first round was held in absentia.
The first stage (by correspondence). It was necessary to write an essay on “Future teacher of the new formation”. The jury chose 5 best works. The five teams that won in the absentee round were invited to the Bolashaq Academy on February 21.

The in-person round of the Olympiad “Future Teacher of a New Formation” included the following tasks:
1. Business card “I am the future teacher…” – presentation of the team members through music, theatre, poetry, etc.
2. Intellectual contest “What? Where? When?” designed to develop schoolchildren’s logical thinking, skills of public speaking, to increase cognitive interest.
3. “Star Hour” creative contest. In this competition the teams had an opportunity to show their talents in any of the following categories: vocal, choral singing, choreography, instrumental performance, artistic word, original genre, etc. after solving complex intellectual problems.

The aim of the competition: to identify and support talented students of 11 classes with the ability to psychological and pedagogical activities, to promote humanitarian knowledge and features of educational programs “Pre-school education and upbringing”, “Pedagogy and methods of primary education.

There were five people in each team. The decision on the results of the competition was made by a qualified jury, which included the Academy professors and school teachers. It should be noted that the jury, especially in the last creative competition, was guided by the audience response – each team had its own admirers and fans during the Olympiad, whose applause was the main thanks to the speakers.

And the most exciting was the first competition of the Olympiad – presentation of the teams. Although the presentation was a “homemade” one, but where can one get too excited, or how can one fully use the inspiration that appeared suddenly?! And in this competition the most creative and convincing presentation of the jury considered the performance of the maiden team of school No. 132 from Atasu village of Zhanaarka district as the most creative and convincing.

Deep knowledge of the school program and quick response to questions once again convinced the jury to give the championship to this friendly team. The teams of the school “Taldybulak” from Eskene village of Zhanaarka district and school No. 4 of Saran city gave way to them a little.

In the third competition – “Star Hour”, the winners were not identified. Rapid support of the hall of sparkling performances of not just young teachers, but quite mature and talented artists, convinced the jury members in this.

Nevertheless, the Olympiad is the Olympiad, although it is not a sporting one, but there should be winners, just like those teams that lacked quite a bit before the victory. According to the results of three competitions the first place was deservedly won by the team of the school No. 132 of Atasu village. The second was the team of “Taldybulak” with Eskene Zhanaarka district, and closed three winners team school No. 4 in Saran.

To participants of teams, who took:
1st place – a grant for free training in the first year (full-time training);
2nd place – 50% discount on tuition fees for the first year;
3rd place – a 25% discount on the tuition fees of the first year.

Team leaders were awarded with diplomas, school administrations presented letters of appreciation.

Team leaders, participants and guests of the competition noted good organization, warm reception at the Academy, positive mood and were satisfied with the results of the competition. This contest helped many participants to decide on their future profession.

The Olympiad has come to an end, but the acquaintance of future teachers and their mentors with our Academy was not completed. They had an opportunity to see with their own eyes that our Academy is a leading higher education institution of Karaganda region and Central region in training of pedagogical personnel, having a good material and technical base and highly professional teaching staff, which looked after future entrants throughout the contest, and then answered many questions for a long time.

The participants of the Olympiad themselves did not avoid post-competition questions. The main questions – whether you liked the Olympiad, our university – the reply was as follows:

“We really liked the hospitality! Thank you very much! Everything was at the highest level!” said the team from Taldybulak.

The most important opinion expressed by all teachers of the Pre-School and Primary Education department: we need such students!
Department of Pre-School and Primary Education
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