A Forum on Youth Socialization was held in Astana on February 9-10 this year at the Eurasian National University with the participation of vice-rectors of universities, representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of psychological services, directors of the Department for Youth Work of universities and Students. The forum was attended by representatives of the Bolashaq Academy, Vice-rector for SVR Ismailova R.N., Chairman of the KDM Baishagirov M.K., head of the psychological service Shutenova S.S.

The organized event is dedicated to topical issues of higher education and science.
Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek opened the forum with a welcoming speech. In his speech, the Minister voiced the issues of accessibility of higher education, staffing, development of infrastructure and digital architecture of higher education, internationalization, the national model for ensuring the quality of education, the third mission of universities, the development of a system of continuing education, as well as expanding the coverage of the population with non-formal education.

According to the minister, one of the priorities and key directions of the ministry is to preserve access to higher education, and also spoke about the problems of providing students with places in dormitories, for the way to solve problems with the shortage of beds in dormitories, the conditions of the state order for developers were revised.
After the above questions, Sayasat Nurbek focused on the development of science in the country, branches of foreign universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, partnership of universities, strengthening of human resources (material incentives), which is transitioning to an open science model with a focus on universities, as well as on the priorities of science until 2026.

Link to the forum program:
https://disk .yandex.ru/d/hVvoj9K-qR7G7A
After the invited speakers made interesting reports, among which I would like to mention the following speakers of the forum: Akerke Abylaikhan – Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education on the topic: “Key messages for the work of Vice–rectors for Social Work”, Elena Vaganova – Deputy Head of the Department of Interdepartmental Coordination and Prevention of the Department for Combating Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “Legal consequences of participation in drug trafficking”, Abetova Aigulim Abdurasulovna – Head of the Department of Scientific Management and Education of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “Protection of mental health of students”, Nurlanov Shyngys Nurlanovich – Vice–Rector for Social and Educational Work of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University: “Vice-Rector for Social Development: mission and tasks”.

The forum participants discussed issues of youth support, inclusive education and its accessibility in universities and research institutes, mental health protection of students, the need to expand the infrastructure of universities.