“The family is the primary social environment that teaches a person kindness”. The decline of humanistic qualities, the diminishing influence of upbringing among families, is evident in the current society.
Family and family well-being are the most essential factors shaping the life of any individual. The formation of a person begins within the family. Family well-being shapes necessary foundations for the sustainable development of natural human qualities. In the life of the state, in the education of new generations, in the development of social responsibility family plays a crucial role. Along the path of family development, the family and family well-being serve as guiding principles. The pedagogical department, represented by educators Mekadilova S.K. and Baibekova V.A., held a roundtable discussion on the topic “Family and Family Well-Being” with the participation of students majoring in 6B01101 – Pedagogy and Psychology, 6B01301 – Pedagogy and Methodology of Elementary Education. Students from the ПиП-20-2 group, Turebayeva T., ПиП-22-2 group, Asainova M., and PMNO-22-2 group, Oshakbayeva D., presented their remarks in the event.

Students shared their thoughts and introduced themselves through discussions, utilizing the ‘Kahoot’ game to participate in the ‘Who is Knowledgeable’ competition by presenting interesting facts and information.