Podsadnik Nikolai Georgievich was born on January, 1st, 1922 in Ugly village of Polotsk district of Vitebsk region. Before being drafted into the army he studied at the Gorky secondary school No. 1 in the town of Balkhash.
In 1940, Nikolai was drafted into the army by the Balkhash District Military Committee.
From childhood he dreamed of aviation, and this dream led him to the Orenburg Military Aviation School. This is where Nikolai Georgievich was caught up in the war.
Since 1943, after graduating from the aviation school, Nikolai Podsadnik was at the front. He participated in liberation from Nazi invaders of Kiev, Lvov, Kishinev, Romania, Yugoslavia and Austria.
For his courage and bravery he was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Patriotic War II degree, has 16 thanks to the Supreme Command.
On November 6, 1943 Nikolai Podsadnik, the leader of the group of IL-2 assault troopers, was tasked to deliver an assault blow to the enemy troops departing along Zhitomir highway. Nikolai Podsadnik performed this task on “excellent”. Decreasing to a shaving flight, making 4-5 rounds, he delivered assault attacks on departing troops, as a result of which the enemy suffered heavy losses in manpower and equipment. On July 15, 1944 Nikolai Podsadnik, being the leader of a group of 12 IL-2 planes, was given the task to deliver an assault blow on a cluster of tanks of the enemy, rushing to the flank to our advancing units. The whole combat path of Nikolai Podsadnik is filled with examples of heroism, courage and bravery.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 18, 1945 for the successful performance of 101 combat missions by IL-2 aircraft to bomb, reconnaissance and assault the enemy’s manpower and equipment, and the courage and heroism displayed in this regard, the Horseman Nikolai was awarded the highest government award – the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
After the war he was engaged in party, trade union and administrative work.
In 1959 he graduated from the Higher School of Trade Union Movement.
He worked as head of the personnel department of the institute “Orgtransbud” of the Ministry of Transport Construction.
He was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Patriotic War II degree, medals.
Died in 1975. Buried in Moscow.
The material is published on the basis of the book published in Bolashak Baspa and on the Internet.
Heroes of Karaganda [Text]: a collection of biographical information / edited by Zh.S. Аkylbayev, А. А. Аbdakimov, N.О. Dulatbekov, RК. Оmarbekova. – Karaganda: Bolashak-Baspa, 2000. – – 146 p.