Famous personalities of the country on their pages in social networks publish posts, videos in different genres: these are funny vains, social videos, posters.

Meyrbek Kairbekovich Baishagirov, the Chairman of the Youth Committee of the “Bolashaq” Academy, who is also a showman, actor, vainer, blogger together with Temirlan Baishagirov, a student of the group U-16-2, as well as famous personalities in Karaganda region: Bloggers Rayzhan Rayymkul, Bakhytgul Eskendirova, members of the KVN team Zangar Abilzhanov, Mukagali Abubakirov shot a humorous series “Yenem Keldi”.
This series has no age restrictions and will be equally interesting to any viewer. The new 5-series bilingual series “Yenem Keldy” tells about a simple Kazakh family, where there are a lot of funny, sometimes curious situations and imbued with good humor and heartfelt laughter.
You can watch the series at Instagram @meirbek.bai and youtube.com.
In a short time, the series has become very popular and breaks records in viewing ratings.
Two and a half weeks of filming were conducted by the best operators of the city from “Sayan Studio”.
Shooting 2 seasons of the series, which won the hearts of the audience, plans to shoot immediately after the quarantine.
We invite all to family viewing humorous series “Eneem keldi.