As part of the implementation of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru” in the direction of “Cult of knowledge”, a collection of “Rukhani Zhangyru Muraty. Makalalar zhinagy” was published in Bolashaq Academy. The responsible editor of the collection is Candidate of Legal Sciences Associate Professor E.E. Serimov.
The given collection is directed on formation of system information and enlightenment work on promotion of the basic principles of “Rukhani Zhangyru”, understanding of its content focused on revival of spiritual values of Kazakhstan people taking into account all modern risks and challenges of globalization and education of civil and patriotic consciousness, moral position of student youth as socially active and creative personality.
The book is dedicated to research scientists, local historians, students and the general readership.
“Rukhaniyat” center

Rukhani zhangyru muraty: makalalar zhinagy. – Karagandy: Bolashaq-Baspa edition, 2019. – 345 p.
ISBN 978-601-273-395-2
The collection was prepared in the main directions of program articles of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev “Course Towards the Future: Rukhani Zhangyru”, “Seven facets of the Great Steppe”.
More than 100 new textbooks in Kazakh language, scientific and educational articles of the teaching staff of the Academy “Bolashak”, related to the material and spiritual world of the Kazakh people-the activation of thought processes, history and culture, language and literature, openness of consciousness and pragmatism covered in the book.
The collected materials are aimed at the formation of the younger generation of noble qualities of love for the country, service to the state and the formation of a competitive, qualified person, while maintaining spiritual kinship.
The book is dedicated to scientists-researchers of the history of the Kazakh culture and language, local historians, students, readers in general.