Dedication to the Academy and commitment to the profession

Today, on September 13, 2024, the official presentation of the award for dedication to the university to a number of teachers and staff of the Bolashaq Academy took place.

The Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines had the most awardees (almost two thirds of the department’s staff — only 19 people have been working at the academy for more than 7 years), who can be safely called devoted patriots of their university and committed to their profession.

This state of affairs cannot but rejoice and, of course, is a reason for pride. In this regard, expressing gratitude for the attention, I would like to voice my thoughts aloud about the significance and value of this event.

A teacher’s dedication to his university is a deep commitment and responsibility to the educational institution in which he works. It manifests itself in the desire of the teacher to make a significant contribution to the educational process, to actively participate in the scientific and social activities of the university, to support its values and mission.

Such a teacher strives to improve the level of education, shares knowledge and experience with colleagues and students, and contributes to strengthening the reputation of the university both nationally and internationally. He can also participate in various projects and initiatives aimed at the development and improvement of the educational institution.

Working for a long period in one place is not just spending time in one organization, but an opportunity to improve in your profession and stay loyal to your academy.

Commitment is the decision to follow a chosen course of action despite difficulties or obstacles that may arise. Dedication is the enthusiasm and commitment to continue your work with high quality, regardless of the recognition or awards that may arise.

It’s no secret that things are not going the way we would like this year. However, if two thirds of its employees at one department and at the university as a whole have received awards for their dedication to the university, this is an excellent indicator that stability is observed at the academy, and this is a reason not only for pride, but also for hopes for a fruitful future and progress of our close-knit team.

As a scientific justification, one can cite the models of J. Meyer and N. Allen on measuring the commitment of a team to their organization. Within their 3-component model, emotional commitment (emotional attachment to a university or profession), normative commitment (awareness of obligations to a university or profession) and commitment based on cost assessment (subjective assessment of costs associated with a possible change of university or profession) are distinguished. I don’t know all the details, but I can say with confidence that all three components of the model are present, although to varying degrees, which is quite natural.

Thus, expressing gratitude to the administration of the Academy on behalf of the department and the entire staff, I want to assure you that with such a level of dedication to the university, we can count on favorable prospects for its development. If we consider that other circumstances also matter, then with such a high degree of dedication and commitment from the academy staff, we can be sure that the university will successfully overcome any potential difficulties.

I consider it advisable not to stop there, but to use this data for further improvement and development.

Great rakhmet to the management and colleagues! Keep it up, team! Alga, “Bolashaq”!

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