On April 11, 2022 within the framework of career guidance work Academy lecturers held a meeting with 11th form pupils of Shakhtinsk, Shakhan, Dolinka, Novodolinka towns.

The problem of choosing the profession is always put before high school students, and now it is especially actual in connection with changes happening in our society.

Teachers presented the information about the main competitive advantages of our university, educational programs, forms of training. During the meeting they discussed questions that arise when choosing a university and an educational programme. Pupils have shown interest in our academy and have asked a lot of questions.

.12 schools with the Kazakh and Russian language of training: grammar school No. 1, Secondary school No. 2, Secondary school No. 3, Secondary school No. 4, grammar school No. 5, Secondary school No. 6, Secondary school No. 7, Secondary school No. 8, Secondary school No. 9, Secondary school No. 11, Secondary school No. 12, school-lyceum, Secondary school No. 21, Secondary school No. 2, Secondary school No. 3, Secondary school No. 4. A.Bukeykhanov with 216 graduates received information on academic mobility opportunities, participation in international conferences, competitions, benefits, scholarships and flexible tuition fees.