Career guidance work of senior teachers of the Department of Pedagogy of the Academy “Bolashaq” Arunova Zh.A., Zhapanova R.N., Makhmutova G.S. with graduates of the school of KSU “Secondary school No. 15” of Karaganda

On May 12, 2023, career guidance work was carried out with graduates of the school of KSU “Secondary school No. 15” of the city of Karaganda. Senior teachers of the Department of Pedagogy Arunova Zh. A., Zhapanova R. N., Makhmutova G. S. in the form of a presentation provided students of the 11th grade with information about the Academy “Bolashaq”.

The graduates were provided with information about the place of the Bolashaq Academy among the universities of Kazakhstan, the high levels it has occupied in the republican rankings in recent years, the prestigious international accreditation of the Academy, the growing number of students from year to year, forms of study, quality of education, traditional social support for students and teachers, double-degree education, international relations, educational processes and achievements, rector’s scholarships for full-time students with honors and their types. Information is widely presented about the admission opportunities of applicants who have won state educational grants, about the research centers of the educational institution, educational programs of bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, etc. The main competitive advantages of our academy, educational programs, forms of education were announced. During the meeting, issues arising when choosing a university and an educational program were discussed.Students received information about academic mobility, opportunities to participate in international conferences, competitions, benefits, scholarships and a flexible system of tuition fees.At the end of the speech, the questions of the graduates were answered.

Senior teachers of the Department of Pedagogy Arunova Zh.A., Zhapanova R. N., Makhmutova G. S.

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