Book novelties

Bolashaq Academy Library continues to introduce book novelties to its readers.

The library invites its readers to the address: 17 Abay Street.


Muller V. Printed at Noah Printing House (Jerusalem), 2016 ISBN 978-965-7209-30-3

This book is a memory of childhood, or rather only four years (from the summer of 1937 to the spring of 1941). Ten-year-old Valya and her Jewish parents, sincerely devoted to the Revolution, were convinced that they lived in the best, happiest country in the world. All the more catastrophic for the family were the arrests first of her father (who was soon shot), then of her mother (arrested-
In this case, it is like the wife of a “traitor of the homeland”), and then their daughters as well. However, the parents were taken to prison, and Valya was “just” taken to an orphanage… The book is written “in one breath”, vividly, figuratively and with talent. All events are told on behalf of the heroine, a ten-year-old girl. The most tragic episodes are conveyed through her direct perception, her lack of understanding of what is going on. This private story unwittingly testifies to the enormous scale of the punitive machine of the USSR, as dozens of children and adults who have fallen under her millstones pass through in front of us. The book again makes us think about the lessons of Soviet totalitarianism.

UDC 340(075)
Н 86

E.K. Nurpeisov Problems of State and Law Theory. Textbook. – Nur-Sultan, 2019.-220 p.

The training manual has been prepared in accordance with the standard curriculum of the special course of the same name, which is studied in the graduate courses of law schools and universities. It briefly highlights some of the theoretical problems of the formation and development of the state and law that have not been clearly interpreted in legal science from the point of view of the current state and expected prospects for social development. Special attention is paid to explaining the transformation of Kazakhstan’s statehood from the origins to possible options in the near future. For students, masters, doctoral students and teachers of universities and colleges.

КВК 81.2(0‘zb)-4

Abdurahimov, Maqsud
0‘zbekcha – ruscha va ruscha – o‘zbekcha lug‘at (qayta nashr)/ M.Abdurahimov. – Toshkent: Akademnashr, 2016.- 704 b.
ISBN 978-9943-985-28-5

The dictionary contains around 20,000 words, including widely used word combinations, as well as the most popular folk proverbs, sayings, riddles and phrases in modern Uzbek and Russian, allowing the reader not only to learn the language better, but also to get acquainted with its national and cultural semantics. The dictionary is intended for a wide range of people studying Uzbek or Russian and interested in folk sayings, riddles and figurative words. It can also be used to translate literary texts.

     UO‘K: 811. 161.1(038)
KBK: 81.2 Rus-4

Abdurahimov, Maqsud Ruscha-o‘zbekcha lug‘at. 0‘zbekcha-ruscha lug‘at [Matn] / M.Abdurahimov – 15-nashr. – Toshkent: Akademnashr,2019. – 704 b.
ISBN 978-9943-4823-3-3 

The dictionary contains around 20,000 words, including widely used word combinations, as well as the most popular folk proverbs, sayings, riddles and phrases in modern Uzbek and Russian, allowing the reader not only to learn the language better, but also to get acquainted with its national and cultural semantics. The dictionary is intended for a wide range of people studying Uzbek or Russian and interested in folk sayings, riddles and figurative words. It can also be used to translate literary texts.

UDC 821.512. 122
BBK 84 Qaz – 7
U 43

THE SPIRIT OF THE NATION. Winged thoughts / Compiled by Ermek Zangirov. – Almaty: Economics, 2012. -244 pages.
ISBN 978 – 601 – 225 – 374 -0

The book contains proverbs of scientists, writers, philosophers, politicians, public figures, businessmen, as well as people of various professions, who became famous for their achievements in various fields. We hope that the rich experience and advice of these people will guide your life.
The book is intended for the general public.

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