At the end of 2019 our students Zhanabayev Daniyar from IN-16-1 and Zhumataev Erassyl from Yu-18-2 took part in the All-Russian Science&Practice Conference with international participation “Modern Approaches to Combating Corruption: Trends and Prospects” at the Plekhanov Russian Economic University (REU) in Moscow with the report “Student self-governance as a new tool for combating corruption in higher education”.
Our students performed in the section “Peculiarities of the methodology of anti-corruption in higher education in the conditions of digitalization”, where by the decision of the commission they took the deserved 1st place for the best report.

This event was widely reflected in the regional media. The participant of the conference Zhanabayev Daniyar and their Research Supervisor Vice Rector for Education Affairs B.T. Akhmetova gave an interview to “Saryarka” Channel.

Anti-corruption Department of Karaganda region shared this video on their FaceBook page.