An international seminar-meeting dedicated to the development of youth policy was held at the Toraighyrov University in Pavlodar. The vice-rector of the SVR Academy “Bolashaq” took part in the board Ismailova R.N.

The international seminar and plenary sessions were attended by more than two hundred representatives of universities in Kazakhstan, as well as near and far abroad, leading experts in the field of higher education and youth policy, including representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akerke Abylaikhan noted that today more than 600 thousand students study at universities in Kazakhstan.
These are conscious young people who want to learn. The speaker also noted that the task of education is the socialization of youth. She claimed that today there are all opportunities for personal and professional development.
The dialogue platform received the status of an international one – representatives of the German Anhalt University, the Palace University and the Baku Slavic University became its guests.

In addition, a memorandum was signed between the Republican Student Movement “Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan” and Toraighyrov University, which was attended by Rector of the University Yerkin Sadykov and Chairman of the Republican Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan Ulan Nauken.
There was also a presentation of the cultural and educational project “Ethnoaul”, in which the acting, creative and sporting achievements of the youth of the Pavlodar region were demonstrated.

The two-day training camp ended, which showed that the strength of young people in implementing future plans is the only source of future success. After all, young people give an impetus to the development of any society. Their activity determines the pace and direction of the state’s development. Young people, compared with representatives of other age groups, are distinguished by mobility, initiative, a tendency to innovative transformations, new technologies, and the ability to withstand various challenges.