On April 4, 2022 within the framework of experience exchange between universities of Karaganda city the head of the Department of Legal Disciplines Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich gave a lecture to the doctoral students of Karaganda Academy of MIA named after B.S. Beisenov.

The theme of the lecture was “Criminological characteristics of crimes against property”.

The lesson was on a high scientific and methodical level, doctoral students have shown great interest, they expressed their gratitude and assured in the continuation of such fruitful meetings.

The aim of such exchanges is to enable doctoral students to learn how education is conducted at other institutions, what approach to education is applied at other institutions and to improve the quality of education. Such programmes promote the mobility of teachers, familiarity with the specifics of teaching, familiarity with relevant information, as well as their better adaptation in the practice of applying national legislation.