Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to participate in the International conference of students and young scientists “Farabi Alemi 2020”.
The reports of the participants in the direction “Chemistry” will be heard on April 6-7, 2020 at section sessions.
Abstracts will be accepted by the technical secretaries of the relevant sections:
- “Modern aspects of catalysis and petrochemistry” (technical secretary Shingisova Raushan Darinbaevna, Raushan.Shingisova@kaznu.kz, mob. 87772584844, 323 lab.);
- “Chemical technology of natural compounds and fine organic synthesis” (technical secretary Anastasia Shevchenko Shevchenko_anas@mail.ru, mob. 87072588246 room 525);
- Colloid and polymer chemistry (technical secretary Abutalip Munziyа abutalip.munziya@gmail.com, mob. 87021307374);
- Modern problems of inorganic and analytical chemistry (technical secretary Myltykbaeva Laura Kadenovna laura.kaden@mail.ru or laura.myltykbaeva@kaznu.kz, cell. 87789543483 room 212);
- Chemical physics and physical chemistry (technical secretary Gabdrashova Sholpan Esenzholovna, esenjolovna_sh_@mail.ru, mob. 87089697304, 417 lab.);
- Modern problems of chemistry and chemical technology of inorganic materials (for undergraduates) (technical secretary Ayaulym Ertaeva Ayaulym.ertaeva@mail.ru, mob. 87771645511, room 307);
- Modern problems of chemistry and chemical technology of organic materials (for undergraduates) (technical secretary Abilgazy Baginur abilgazy.baginur@gmail.com, mob. 87756169699, 417 lab.);
- Actual problems of chemical education (technical secretary of Ualkhanova Aidana ualihanova.aidanaa@gmail.com, mob. 87073858811 room 205);
- Promising areas of chemistry and chemical technology (for pupils and first-year students) (technical secretary Kishibaev Kanagat, Kanagat.Kishibayev@kaznu.kz, mob. 87784567246, room 109, CFHMA room 108).
Applications and abstracts are accepted in paper and electronic form by section secretaries until March 18, 2020.
In the conference proceedings (electronic version) only those works whose authors made oral presentations in the relevant sections will be published!
Abstracts like literature reviews are not published in the proceedings of the conference. One author can send no more than two abstracts.
Materials received by the Organizing Committee are published in electronic version, and are posted on the website of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of KazNU. al-Farabi.
The Organizing Committee of the conference reserves the right to reject reports submitted outside the main areas of the conference and publish abstracts that do not meet the requirements for registration, as well as the right to redistribute reports for speaking in sections of the conference.