The mission of the Department is to train highly qualified competitive specialists in the field of foreign language education, capable of carrying out continuous self-education and improving their qualifications in accordance with national and international standards and requirements.
Educational programs of the Department
The Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication is a graduate Department and since its foundation has been training bachelors in the state and Russian languages in the educational program 6В01702 – «Foreign Language: two foreign languages» of two education forms: full-time (4 years) and shortened full-time with the use of distance educational technologies (2 years and 3 years).
Since 2020, the Department began training in the state and Russian languages specialists in master’s degree programs: 7M01703 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages” (profession-oriented program) and 7M01704 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages” (academic program).
The Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication is one of the oldest Departments of the “Bolashaq” Academy, which has been successfully operating at the university since 1997. The Department provides training in the study field of 6B017 “Training of teachers of languages and literature” (foreign language teacher) in bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
In the period from 1997 to March 2020, the head of the Department was the candidate of philological sciences, professor Ibraeva Bayan Mukushevna.
Currently, the Department is headed by PhD, associate professor Gazikhanova Zhanar Gazizovna.
For more than 20 years of its existence, the Department has undergone many changes and reorganizations, but it has developed strong traditions in educational, scientific and educational work that contribute to improving the quality of educational services provided by it and promoting its educational programs in the ratings of the republic.
The teaching staff of the Department today is represented by a PhD, candidates of pedagogical and philological sciences, professors, associate professors, senior teachers, masters of sciences. The qualified specialists of the Department provide teaching of program disciplines in the English, German, French and Chinese languages. The Department teachers have repeatedly received recognition at the regional and national levels. So, in 2019, professor Ibraeva B.M. and professor Orazgalieva G.Sh. were awarded the badges “The best teacher in the field of higher professional education” and “The best researcher in the field of higher professional education” from the Association of Universities of Kazakhstan. In January 2022, following the results of the republican competition, Ph.D., Professor B.M. Ibraeva became the holder of the title “Best University Teacher – 2021” ( /).
Today, the purpose of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication is to train qualified and competitive specialists of a new formation, meeting the social needs of society, international standards and requirements of professional activity in the fields of foreign language education and fundamental and applied linguistics. In accordance with the stated purpose, all types of activities of the Department are organized.
Academic activities
The main goal of the Department’s activities on the organization and implementation of the educational process is to improve the quality of education of undergraduates and master students and enhance the educational and methodological support for the training of specialists. In this regard, the Department regularly updates its educational programs taking into account modern international trends in the field of teaching foreign languages. The process of developing educational programs at the Academy is entrusted to the Academic Committee, which includes representatives from graduates, employers, current students and members of the Department.
The educational program 6B01702 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages” of the “Bolashaq” Academy is consistently among the top ten educational programs of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For example, in 2024, the educational program “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” at “Bolashaq” Academy ranked an honorable 3rd place in the educational program ranking conducted by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA). (
The Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, conducts a regular ranking of educational programs. In 2023, the “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” program of the “Bolashaq” Academy took 19th place, showing positive growth compared to 2022 and 2021 (20th and 28th places, respectively). (®ion=&sort=epg_asc&profile=)
These results iindicate a fairly high level of quality of training of graduates of the programs.
The integral components of the educational activity of the Department are also:
– Replenishment of the library collection of educational and methodological literature on the profile of educational programs;
– Development of printed and electronic educational publications and teaching aids by teachers of the Department;
– Monitoring of the quality of education and academic performance of undergraduates and master students;
– Introduction and application of innovative educational technologies of distance and blended learning, digital visualization, etc.
– Academic mobility of teachers, undergraduates and master students;
– Conducting methodological seminars and master classes for teachers, undergraduates and master students;
– Approbation and implementation of educational and methodological works of undergraduates, master students and teachers in the educational process of schools in the city and region;
– Examination and review of educational literature for universities and schools of Kazakhstan, etc.
For example, in 2018, the Department developed and published 5 trilingual (Kazakh, Russian and English) dictionaries: Dictionary of Zoology; Dictionary of Ecology and Evolutionary Studies; Dictionary of Botany; Dictionary of genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology; Dictionary of Human anatomy and Physiology.
In 2019, a large consolidated dictionary of biological terms for school biology teachers was published.
In 2020, within the framework of cooperation with gymnasium No. 45, methodological recommendations for working on the Trello web platform were published – this technology has been successfully used by the faculty of the Department since 2016, and the method of creating educational resources on this board was patented by the teachers of the Department Kalizhanova Anna Nikolaevna and Ibraeva Bayan Mukushevna.
In 2021, the educational and methodological manual of the senior lecturer of the Department, T.V. Maryshkina “Specialized professional foreign language” was published and is actively used in the educational process of the Academy.
In 2023, senior lecturer of the Department Abdresheva M.K. developed the educational and methodological manual “Conducting negotiations and debates in the English language”, currently used as part of the course of the discipline “Conducting negotiations and debates (in English)”.
In 2024, Associate Professor Z.G. Gazikhanova developed a teaching manual titled “Linguodidactics and Methods of Teaching a Foreign Language.”
Within the framework of academic mobility programs, the students of the Department studied at the University named after Suleiman Demirel (Almaty), Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University. The Department teachers, in turn, carried out lectures and classes in foreign (University named after Ataturk, Turkey) and domestic universities (Karaganda Technical University named after A. Saginov, Kyzylorda “Bolashak” University).
For conducting lectures and practical classes, the Department has specialized classrooms and laboratories equipped with computers, projectors, interactive whiteboard programs and necessary modern educational literature, which is updated annually.
In order to form the practical competencies of future teachers of two foreign languages, there is a branch of the Department at the Gymnasium No. 1 in Karaganda.
To achieve positive results in academic work, the Department actively cooperates with the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylai Khan, the German Academic Exchange Service, the branch of the French Alliance in Karaganda, the hall of foreign literature of the regional Gogol library, the Russian Association of Linguists-cognitologists, the Association of Teachers of English of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a number of language centers of the city.
The Department actively attracts practitioners to the implementation of the educational process: teachers of English of the highest category, teachers-researchers, and teachers-experts. The involvement of practitioners in the conduct of classes, the supervision of students’ professional practices, as well as final qualification works is aimed at improving the professional training of future teachers to work in real conditions of schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Research activities
The research interests of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication include issues of modern linguodidactics, professional foreign language education, theory and practice of intercultural communication and linguoculturology.
From 2018 to December 2020, within the grant funding of the Committee of Sciences of Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Education and Science the Department was working on the implementation of a scientific project on the topic “Creation of a three-language dictionary of biological terms with a linguoculturological component”.
Today, the Department faces new challenges in the field of research work and the problem of creating digital educational resources has been identified as the main activity in this area.
The Department actively engages students in research activities through their participation and presentations at scientific and practical conferences of various levels in Kazakhstan and abroad, participation in international educational programs, competitions and Olympiads, etc.
For example, a graduate of 2019, Alfiya Kurmanalieva won a grant under the international Ugrad program. According to the results of the International Olympiad in foreign languages in 2019 in Novosibirsk, a team of students studying Chinese took the 3rd place.
In February 2020. following the results of participation in the Republican scientific and theoretical conference of undergraduates and master students “Student and Science: future view”, the Department students Vasilyeva Maria, Turakova Madina, Budikova Zhansaya, Ospanova Madina brought diplomas of the winners of the II and III degrees ( /).
In the IV International Olympiad for English Language experts from Skyteach and Cambridge Assessment English, held in April 2020, students Makarovskaya Polina and Ospanov Madina won the 3rd place (
In 2021 and 2022, the students of the Department also pleased with their victories, becoming laureates and holders of diplomas of winners in various international scientific competitions, project competitions, debut tournaments, etc. (
During the 2022-2023 academic year, a student of the IN-19-2 group, Sultanova Ayazhan, won the 1st degree diploma at the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Student Science – 2022” (Russia) with the publication of the article “THE ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW” FOR TEACHING THE PHONETICS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE” (scientific supervisor Dauletbaeva A.E.). A student of the IN-19-1 group, Taymazova Seda, took part in the international scientific competition “Contemporary research – 2022” (Serbia) with a scientific work on the topic “The connection between language learning and online popular culture” and was also awarded the 1st degree diploma.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, under the supervision of Professor G.Sh. Orazgaliyeva, students from group IN-20-1 participated in two national creative competitions with international participation and received three first-degree diplomas: Leyla Tsantsurayeva, Yana Makarchuk, and Karlygash Tleukabyl.
In December 2023, students Sabina Asilova, Danil Surovtsev, and Silara Samatova, under the guidance of Z.G. Gazikhanova, participated in the VII International Conference in Penza and were awarded first-degree diplomas.
In June 2024, student Zhibek Kanatova received a first-degree diploma at a conference on innovative educational tools.
A team of students from the department, including Anastasia Kieva, Adilbek Tөken, and Polina Naumenko, won first place in an intellectual tournament in cultural studies.
Thus, students of the department actively participate in international creative and scientific competitions, winning numerous awards, which indicates the high level of their training.
Over the past 3 years, 3 collective monographs “Innovations and leadership in foreign language education”, “Dialogue of cultures in the modern world”, “Innovative technologies for the formation of an active civic position in the system of continuing education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”: challenges of the COVID-19 era” and 1 collective monograph “Creating Backward- Looking Forward” in English, have been published and placed in the Russian scientometric database of the RSCI.
Senior teacher Abdresheva M.K. participated in the competition “Bobek National Movement” International competition for scientific and pedagogical workers “Best teacher of the CIS-2023” with the article “Internet technologies in English lessons in the context of social trends” and was awarded the 1st degree diploma and a medal “Best teacher of the CIS-2023” 2023.”
Within the framework of international cooperation, teachers of the Department regularly participate in scientific internship programs and scientific business trips to the near and far abroad.
According to the Research Work Plans of the Department, during the recent years the Department has also carried out the following work:
1) The policy of revising the requirements for research work of undergraduates and master students of the Department has been continued in order to motivate both authors and their scientific supervisors to publish in journals with a non-zero IF and participate in competitions and conferences of international and republican significance with the possibility of winning prizes and award places for successful participation in various rankings among universities.
2) Research seminars are held on the topics “Structure and design of coursework and dissertations” to improve the functional and academic literacy of students of the Department.
3) Students of the Department participate in seminars and round tables in the hall of the regional library named after. Gogol, as well as in various international, republican and regional student conferences.
4) Teaching staff and students of the Department take an active part in organizing and conducting university conferences:
– Republican scientific and practical conference of undergraduates, master and doctoral students and young scientists (with international participation) “Youth and Global Problems of the Modern Age”.
– International scientific and practical conference of teachers, doctoral and master students and scientists (with international participation) “Science and Education in the Modern World”.
Educational activities
The Department of Foreign languages and Intercultural Communication is focused on the formation and development of a comprehensively harmonious developed personality within the framework of universal human values.
The objectives of the educational activities: formation of youth patriotism, national and spiritual development, support of young talents, inclusion of students in cultural, scientific and educational processes, ensuring social rights of young people, increasing the level of culture of students, creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate to favorably affect the educational process.
The work is carried out in accordance with the annual plan of the Department on educational work and the plan of the adviser to work with tutored groups.
The educational events include round tables, brain rings, thematic meetings, competitions, concerts, debates and many other events.
The university, together with the teaching staff of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, assists students in finding employment and ensures their participation in the work of youth student labor groups.
The teachers responsible for subject classrooms regularly keep classrooms and the area adjacent to the buildings clean. Every year in the spring students and teaching staff of the Department take part in citywide cleanup days organized by the akimat of the Karaganda region.
Branch of the Department
In order to develop the practical competencies of future foreign language teachers, the Department branch has been operating at Gymnasium No. 1 since September 2014.
On the basis of the branch, seminars and office-hour classes on the methods of teaching foreign languages are held; students have their professional practice; joint methodological seminars on the problems of modern foreign language education as well as conducting and testing experimental work of students as part of their research activities are held.
On the basis of the branch, the Department students have a wonderful opportunity to attend English lessons of practicing teachers, study their experience, receive advice and recommendations. As part of the cooperation, the Department students help school teachers in organizing English language week. Every year the Department invites representatives of the branch to participate in round tables, competitions, seminars and other events.
A special place in the cooperation is given to research work. Teachers of the Department and teachers of the gymnasium have the opportunity to take part in international scientific and practical conferences of the “Bolashaq” Academy ““Science and Education in the Modern World”, “Youth and Global Problems of the Modern Age”, publish the results of their research, generalizations of practical experience in collections of scientific works of our university. Teacher-researchers of the gymnasium were repeatedly involved as members of the state certification commission of the educational program of the Department and reviewers of final qualification works.
The Department Teaching Staff
Currently, the department has 11 faculty members, including 1 PhD, 1 candidate of sciences, and 6 masters. The department’s staff includes 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 5 senior lecturers, and 1 teaching assistant.
The teaching staff of the department provides the full range of basic and specialized subjects for bachelor’s and master’s degree students in the “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” educational program, as well as foreign languages for all language and non-language postgraduate educational programs.
Gazikhanova Zhanar Gazizovna, PhD, associate professor
Abilzhan Altynai Bolatovna, senior teacher, master
Abdresheva Madina Kabbasovna, senior teacher, master
Alzhanova Ainur Yrysovna, senior teacher, master
Arapbaev Denislam Erman-ugli, teacher, master
Begakhmetova Balzhan Kairovna, associate professor, master
Dauletbayeva Aida Erlanovna, teacher, master
Dikanbayeva Saira Alkeevna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of Higher Attestation Commission
Ermek Tolganay Almaskyzy, teacher, master
Mombekova Meruert Maratkyzy, senior teacher, master Tyo Anastasia Vyacheslavovna, teaching assistant

Gazikhanova Zhanar Gazizovna
Doctor of Philosophy PhD
Head of the Department of “Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication”
Contact information:
Address: office 203, 17 Abaya str., Karaganda, 100012 Kazakhstan
Phone: 42-04-25 (ext.303)
Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 09:00-17:00, lunch 13.00-14:00
2014-2017 – E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, doctoral degree in the specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages”, PhD
2008-2009 – Algarve University, Portugal (EU Erasmus Mundus educational Grant), Master’s degree in “Education, Teacher Training and Humanities”
2007-2009 – E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Master’s degree in “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages”, Master of Education (Foreign Languages)
1999-2004 – E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialty: foreign Philology, teacher of English and German languages and literature
Work experience:
2020 – present – Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication of the CHU “Bolashaq Academy”
2018-2020 – Head of the Department of Foreign Philology of the E.A. Buketov KarSU
2017-2018 – Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the E.A. Buketov KarSU
2014-2017 – Head of the Center for the Development of Multilingual Education of the E.A. Buketov KarSU
2013-2014 – Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the E.A. Buketov KarSU
2010-2013 – Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of Natural Faculties of the E.A. Buketov KarSU
2009-2010 – Senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages of Natural Faculties of the E.A. Buketov KarSU
2004-2007 – Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages of Natural Faculties of the E.A. Buketov KarSU
Teaching experience: 18 years
Research interests: Research interests related to the fields of foreign language education and foreign philology, multilingual education, professionally oriented teaching of foreign languages, as well as to the field of management and organization of the educational process.
Scientific and educational-methodical works
More than 70 scientific publications have been published, including 3 articles included in the Scopus database, more than 20 publications in journals recommended by COXON MES RK.
1 monograph, about 20 educational and methodical manuals, 3 electronic educational publications have been published. One of the authors of Standard Curricula: Basic English course for multilingual education specialties approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; professionally oriented foreign language for a number of non-linguistic specialties of universities approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; advanced training programs in English for university teachers.
Implementation of grant research projects and funded research topics:
2015-2017 – Scientific and methodological support of the continuity of multilingual education in the “school – university” system, MES RK
2015-2017 – Scientific and methodological support of continuous language training of engineering personnel in the conditions of multilingual education (college-university), MES RK
Awards and incentives
2022 – Letter of thanks from the Akim of Karaganda for participation in the socio-political life of the city and conscientious work
2018 – Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for contribution to the field of education
2017 – Honorary diploma of the Rector of the E.A. Buketov KarSU for conscientious work and contribution to the development of the university
2017 – Diploma of the laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book
2017 – Letter of thanks from the director of the branch of JSC “NCPC “Orleu” Pavlodar