In accordance with the Order of the Chairman of the Committee on quality assurance in the sphere of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 63 of January 29, 2021 “On awarding academic degrees” to teachers of the Department of Legal […]
Teachers’ Research Activity
On January 30, 2021 the vice-rector for social and educational work B.T. Akhmetova together with SIC “Rukhaniyat” held a dialogue platform “Global initiatives of Kazakhstan. Contribution to International Security”, which was held in the online format with the participation of students from all educational programs of the Academy “Bolashaq”. The […]
January 29, 2021 at online platform SKYPE was held online lecture on “The influence of genus on the relationship with their loved ones” practical psychologist, coach relationships with Krasnodar Dmitreev Sergey Yurievich. Dmitriev Sergey Yurievich: Was trained at the Higher School of Practical Psychology with teachers: Oleg Gadetsky, Sergei Avakov, […]
On January 29, 2021 A.U. Aupenova, Director of SIC “Rukhaniyat”, a member of the Scientific-Expert Group of the Karaganda region took part in the round table “Global Initiatives of Kazakhstan. Contribution to international security” which was held in the format of ZOOM with the participation of representatives of the Scientific-Expert […]
On January 21, 2021 in accordance with the action plan of the Language Resource Centre of the Language Development Department of the Karaganda region was organized the advocacy work on the topic “Presentation of the advanced Kazakh language alphabet project”. The main purpose of the event was to present the […]
Congratulations to Assistant Professor of Law Department Aytugan Zhumakhmetzy Abdizhami on her victory in the competition “BEST TEACHER OF HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM – 2020”! The title of the “Best University Teacher” has been awarded to 150 people from 48 universities of the country. The winners of the competition are given […]
On January 12, 2021 there was a regular meeting of the Educational-methodical association of Republican Educational-Methodical Council of Higher and Post-graduate Education (REMC) on groups of educational programs “Teacher Training in Languages and Literature”, “Languages and Literature” on the basis of KazUMO and IL named after Abylai Khan. This time […]
On January 8, 2021 the regional newspaper “Ortalyq Qazaqstan” published an article “Folk-history” – trendke aynaldy” by Khamit Kurentayevich Orazbayev, vice-rector on scientific work and international cooperation, associate professor of the Department of History, candidate of historical sciences, which discusses the recreation of history in the states that gained independence […]
In the framework of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev a nationwide online festival of student art “Abay әlemi” was held in order to revive literary and cultural values, to promote the life and work of the great thinker among young people. A letter of appreciation was awarded by the […]
The Karaganda Regional Akimat, the Karaganda Regional Language Development Department in conjunction with the Language Resource Center at Friendship House held an online seminar on the subject of improving the Kazakh alphabet project. Professor of Karaganda Academy “Bolashaq” Sembiyev Kurmangazy Zakirovich co-organized the event. The seminar was attended by teachers […]
Dear colleagues!We invite you to take part in the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “TATISHCHESCHIEVSKI readings: Actual problems of science and practice” that will be held on April 23-24, 2021 by correspondence. Bolashaq Academy is the co-organiser of this conference. The aim of the ISPC is to assess the […]
Dear colleagues, students, masters and young scientists!February 26, 2021 Academy “Bolashaq” holds Republican scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students, doctoral candidates and young scientists (with international participation) “Youth and the global problems of our time.The conference is held on the following directions: Prospects for the development of legislation of the […]
The Rector of the Academy “Bolashaq” Professor Menlibayev K.N. received letters of gratitude from colleagues from the Russian Federation. FSIU HE “Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia” expresses gratitude to the Academy “Bolashaq” for cooperation and thanks for active participation in the Interuniversity with international participation student scientific conference “The culture […]
On December 25, 2020 in Nur-Sultan city in Academy of law enforcement authorities under the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place the defence of doctoral dissertation of Talgat Smagulovich Salkebayev on the subject “Organizational and legal issues of anti-corruption in law enforcement agencies of the Republic of […]
The cycle of trips of the staff of the grant project “Creation of trilingual dictionary of biological terms with the linguistic and cultural component” completed with the final business trip to Nursultan in the period from 10 to 15 December 2020. During the trip research assistants Ishmuratova Margarita Yulaevna and […]