On December 10 the Center of a humane pedagogics of “Bolashaq” Academy (Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan) together with the Russian University of friendship of the people (Moscow, the Russian Federation) carried out the next International scientific and methodical seminar in online format: “Actual problems of polycultural education in the […]
Center for Scientific Research, Humane Pedagogy and Pedagogical Mentoring
On December 10 the Center of a humane pedagogics of “Bolashaq” Academy (Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan) together with the Russian University of friendship of the people (Moscow, the Russian Federation) carried out the next International scientific and methodical seminar in online format: “Actual problems of polycultural education in the […]
On December 10, 2021 at 12.30. (MSC) we invite the faculty, undergraduates, students of the Academy “Bolashaq” to participate in the scientific-methodical seminar “Actual issues of multicultural education in the Russian Federation (Russia) and the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) Seminar organizers: The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR, Moscow), The […]
The collective monograph “Innovative technologies of active citizenship formation in the system of continuous education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: challenges of COVID-19 era” prepared by the authors’ group represented by A. U. Aupenova, A. N. Kalizhanova, E. R. Keller-Deditskaya, T. V. Maryshkina was published. This work is the result […]
The member of the Center of humanistic pedagogics, associate professor of department of preschool education and upbringing Shaltayeva Roza Jiembayevna prepared for participation in Republican distance competition “Tabigat – tirshilik nari” the student of group DOV-19-2kaz Metelova Raushan.
At the initiative of social and educational Fund “Sanaly-Omir” Nur-Sultan, one of the directions of which is training volunteers for outreach activities among young people on the subjects of healthy lifestyles (new approaches to the formation of healthy habits) was held training of students of the club of humanitarian pedagogy […]
We invite you and your students, graduate students, doctoral candidates to take part as a listener, a lecturer, a speaker in the work of the ХXIII International interuniversity students research and practice conference “THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION” (online) (online mode), dedicated to topical issues of communication […]
One of the indicators of the quality of higher education is the competitiveness of the student, his competence in various fields of science, which are manifested by participation in competitions at various levels. Students of the Academy “Bolashaq” took part in the annual competition of student socially significant innovative projects […]
Roza Jiembaevna Shaltaeva, associate professor of pre-school education and upbringing, prepared for the Republican distance competition organized by the intellectual portal “Abyroy”, students enrolled in the educational program 6B01301 “pedagogy and methods of primary education,” PMNO-18-2 Sanat Akmaral, Sovetova Aiaulym (Best Script). The purpose of the competition is to increase […]
On September 20, 2021 SIC “Rukhaniyat together with the senior teacher of department of the general educational disciplines Kosmanova A.B. among students of all educational programs of Academy “Bolashaq” have lead discussion of the manual of the scientist-humanitarian of our epoch Svetlana Vladimirovna Lurie (1961-2021) “Historical ethnology”. The first edition […]
On June 23, 2021 SIC “Rukhaniyat together with the head of the department of general educational disciplines E.B. Kasenov among the students of all educational programs held a discussion of the research work of Edward Wadi Said “Orientalism” in the special project “New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the […]
The great Soviet educator Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili, author of the concept of humane pedagogy, once asked teachers gathered for his lecture a question. “Imagine the situation, you are giving a lesson in the fourth grade, and a child comes in who is 20 minutes late. What should you do?” Teachers […]
SRC “Rukhaniyat” Within the framework of circle lessons with students of educational program “6B01702 – Foreign language: two foreign languages” the participants of the “Rukhaniyat” circle got acquainted with with cartographic material including overview schemes of tourist objects in the Northern Priaralie, map of Aralsk, maps of the surroundings of […]
On May 31, 2021 in the frameworks of the international project “Tarikhtan tagylym – otkenge tagzym” – “Memory in the name of the future” was held scientific and practical forum “Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Memory” in the House of Friendship, Pavlodar. The director of “Rukhaniyat” Academy […]
Each year, the faculty and students of Bolashaq Academy pay tribute to the memory by participating in a requiem rally. On May 31 on Memorial Day of victims of political repressions and famine in Kazakhstan at the Spassky Memorial a solemn meeting is held and wreaths are laid in memory […]