Bolashaq Academy graduates, reaching new heights in their professional activities, do not forget their Alma-Mater and send warm greetings and share their bright memories. Erzat Moldabekovich Ermagambetov, graduate of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department in 2015: My student complaints were not only full of joy, but also as a […]
I would like to express my great gratitude for the excellent organization of distance learning, for a professionally formed group of teachers who in difficult conditions shared valuable knowledge and found contact with each student. I would like to wish the whole teaching staff health, family happiness, more grateful students […]
On September 8, 2020, an online seminar dedicated to the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan and the birthday of Akhmet Baitursynov was held in the Academy “Bolashaq”, Karaganda, which was attended by prominent scientists of our Republic.This seminar resonated with the participants. Rector of the Academy “Bolashaq” […]
Dear organizers of the SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONCORS OF MOSCOW “KARLAG: MEMORY OF THE FUTURE”, the administration of KGU “Secondary school No 62” expresses its gratitude to you for the work done to draw the attention of young people to the theme of political repression of the 20s – 50s of […]
In the Academy “Bolashaq” were on-line protection of diploma works of students studying on the full-time distance (correspondence) form. For graduates and teachers it is a new form of work. Bolashaq Academy receives feedback from alumni with words of gratitude and support. We all understand the current emergency. Therefore, all […]
Wonderful words of gratitude to the Rector of the Academy “Bolashaq” Professor Menlibayev K.N. come daily from graduates of the Kazakh language and literature department. Dear Rector of Bolashaq Academy Kuralbay Nesipbekovich and teachers of the Kazakh language and literature educational program, including the curator of our group Raikhan Nalzhigitovna! […]
Bolashaq Academy received a letter of gratitude from a student of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute Kalymzhanova Asel Naymanovna, who studied at our university as part of academic mobility. On September 1, 2018 the “Bolashaq” Academy opened its doors for me. I came for academic mobility from Nur-Sultan, the Eurasian Humanitarian […]
Bolashaq Academy received a video message from Rakhimova Asalat, who studied at our university for two years. At the moment she continues her studies in her homeland in Uzbekistan at Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute for the 2nd year.Asalat recalls with gratitude the time of studying at our Academy and thanks all […]
Dear Kuralbay Nesipbekovich! I, Taukelova Aisulu, came to the Academy by Academic Mobility from Abay Kokshetau University and now I study in the group DOV-17-1. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to travel with the Club of Humane Pedagogy to study at Sanaly Omir Education Center in […]
On November 29-30, 2019 in Almaty the festival of humane pedagogy “Zerna” took place, where our students took participation. The delegation also included students from other universities of Karaganda, who are members of the club of humane pedagogy. The students thank Bolashaq Academy for the active work of the Centre […]
Bolashaq Academy continues to receive feedback and gratitude from employers, whose organizations employ graduates of our university. Rymbekova Merei Talgatovna, a graduate of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, works as a teacher-psychologist at the N. Nurmakov boarding school.
November 28, 2019, in the Academy “Bolashaq”, Department of Kazakh language and literature was organized and held a national scientific-practical conference “Dauylpaz akyn tagylymy” dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Saken Seyfullin. The given action was reflected in responses of participants of conference with words of gratitude.
Additional social assistance was provided to students of the Bolashaq Academy on November 29, 2019. Students received one bag of potatoes each. Students Express their gratitude to the management of the Bolashaq Academy for their assistance. “I would like to Express my gratitude to The bolashaq Academy for the pleasant […]
Academy “Bolashaq” in the person of Rector Professor K.N. Menlibayev expresses gratitude to the staff of Mikhailovsky police department in the person of Lieutenant Colonel Yeszhanov E.S., who investigated the theft in our educational institution. Thanks to professional and united actions of police officers, the crime was solved, material damage […]
Bolashaq Academy receives feedback and gratitude from employers, whose organizations employ graduates of our university. Aliya Tusupova, a graduate of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, carries out her teaching activities at Bolashaq Higher College.