On February 14, 2025, the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines organized the annual regional Chemistry and Biology Olympiad for 11th grade students of the Karaganda region at Bolashaq Academy. Applications in chemistry and biology from secondary schools of the city of Karaganda and the Karaganda region were accepted for the traditional […]
Competitions and Olympiad for schoolchildren
Dear students and teachers of schools in Karaganda and the Karaganda region! The Bolashaq Academy Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication invites 11th grade students to participate in the regional essay contest “Speak your mind”. Terms of participation 11th grade students from the city of Karaganda and the Karaganda […]
On January 29, 2025, the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Daryn” of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Regional Scientific and Practical Center for Additional Education of Children “Saryarka Daryny” of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region organized the VII regional stage of […]
On March 17, a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to the winners of the Regional English Language Competition “Speak Your Mind” took place at the BOLASHAQ Academy. The competition, which took place from February 15 to March 10, revealed bright talents among the students of the region. The winners of […]
03/15/2024 at 10.00. the department of “Kazakh language and Literature” of the Bolashaq Academy in online format, on the ZOOM platform, held the second stage of the “TIL-KAZYNA-2024” competition. (The link for the participants was sent on the eve of the contest.) Preparations for the “Til-Kazyna-2024” competition were systematically carried […]
On March 4, the Republican Olympiad for schoolchildren of grades 5-6 was held at the Specialized Boarding School “Murager”. The event brought together talented young participants from different parts of the country, where they demonstrated their knowledge and skills in various fields. The Olympiad was a series of intellectual tests […]
On February 9 and March 1, 2024, the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines held an annual regional Olympiad at the Bolashaq Academy for 11th grade students studying chemistry and biology in the state and Russian languages. 24 applications in biology and 19 applications in chemistry were submitted from educational institutions of […]
On 17.03.2023 at 10.00. on the MOODLE platform in online format, the Department of Kazakh language and Literature of the Bolashaq Academy held the second stage of the Olympiad “TIL-KAZYNA-2023” (the link was sent the day before). Preparations for the contest “Til Kazyna-2023” were systematically carried out. The senior teacher […]
On March 13, 2023, the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of the Bolashaq Academy held the first stage of the distance Olympiad “TIL-KAZYNA-2023” among students of grades 11 of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of Karaganda, Ulytau and other regions. The purpose of the Olympiad: To promote the choice of […]
On February 15, 2023, the regional essay contest in English “Speak your mind” was launched among students of the graduating classes of Karaganda and the Karaganda region, the purpose of which is to popularize the study of foreign languages among high school students, the development of their foreign language communicative […]
The Bolashaq Academy, the Department of Pedagogy, together with the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, organized the annual regional competition “Young Teacher” for students of 11th grades of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of the Karaganda region and the city. From January 16 to March 01, 2023, applications and works […]
On February 10, 2023, the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines held an annual regional Olympiad for 11th grade students studying in the state and Russian languages in the subjects of chemistry and biology at the Bolashaq Academy. 18 applications in biology and 16 applications in chemistry were submitted from educational institutions […]
“Academy “Bolashaq” – together with the Department of Education of the Karaganda region holds a Regional essay contest “Speak your mind” for students of 11th grades of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of Karaganda and Karaganda region! To participate in the competition, it is necessary by February 15, 2023 (inclusive) send to […]
On April 20, 2022 on platform ZOOM, online Regional Subject Olympiad in Pedagogy and Psychology was carried out. The organizers were Karaganda Regional Training and Methodological Center of Education Development and Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq”. The Senior Lecturer, Master of Psychology, Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education Department Sabira Sartaevna […]
On April 15 the chair “Kazakh language and literature” Academy “Bolashaq” together with the Department of Education of Karaganda region held a traditional contest “Til-Qazyna-2022” on the platform of ZOOM. 24 pupils of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of Karaganda region and the city of Karaganda with the Kazakh language of […]