Kurmangazy Zakirovich Sembiev, candidate of philological sciences, professor of the Kazakh language and literature educational programme of the “Bolashaq” Academy, delivered a lecture at the online seminar-training “Latin alphabet – a factor of spiritual revival” among teachers of the Kazakh language and literature and KGU “Stepnogorsk city teaching and methodological […]
Daily archives: 31.03.2022
On March 28, 2022, in the Museum of the First President of RK in Temirtau together with M. Auezov city library at the round table “World recognized by Auezov”, devoted to M. Auezov, professor of educational program of Kazakh language and literature of “Bolashaq” Academy, candidate of philological sciences Sembiev […]
On March 18, 2022, professor of the Kazakh language and literature educational programme of Bolashaq Academy of Karaganda region, Candidate of Philological Sciences Sembiev Kurmangazy Zakirovich participated in the round table “History is made by personalities”, organized by the school-lyceum No. 15 named after Alikhan Bokeykhan of Balkhash.
From March 23 to 25, 2022 in Petropavlovsk the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on hand-to-hand fighting among juniors. Athletes from all regions competed for the right to compete in the international arena. More than 300 athletes took part in the championship of the country. The purpose […]
Regional Spring and Beauty Contest “Koktem aruy – 2022” was held on March 30 in Karaganda. Female students of colleges and universities competed for the title of the best. Erudition, artistry and ingenuity. These criteria competed participants in the annual contest “Koktem aruy – 2022. Age of the girls from […]
On March 29, 2022 at KSU “Gymnasium № 45” the methodical training seminar on the theme “Opportunities of continuous education of teachers by means of MoEOC” was held for the teachers of humanitarian and natural science directions, which was developed by Dana Daurenova Akhmetova, the 4th year student of IN-18-1 […]
The teachers of the department of legal disciplines associated Professor A.J. Abdizhami and senior lecturer S.I. Kopzhasarova took part in the 72-hour training seminar Winter School-2022 called LX: Hack the Code (Learning experience), organized by the Center of Professional Development and Innovation Suleyman Demirel University in the period 14-27 February. […]