Nurzhanov Kazbek Beisenovich – intelligence platoon commander of the 61st Separate Anti-Tank Fighter Division (5th Oryol Rifle Division, 40th Rifle Corps, 3rd Army, 2nd Belorussian Front), senior sergeant. He was born in 1919 in Aktogay village of Aktogay region, nowadays Karaganda region. Kazakh. Since 1939, in the ranks of the […]
Monthly archives: May 2020
Aksentiy Ignatyevich Moroz, born in 1914, lived his whole life in our region. Ukrainian. Before the war he worked at the first (Sverdlov) state farm. Volunteer Frost fought bravely at the front from the first days of the war, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, […]
Miller Pyotr Klimentievich – commander of the anti-tank gun calculation of the 465th rifle regiment, senior sergeant. I was born on August 10, 1910 in Ukraine. In 1933 he was drafted into the Red Army. After his conscription in 1936, Peter Miller came to Balkhash to build the largest copper […]
Anatoly Pavlovich Zhivov was born in 1925 in Moscow, in the family of worker Pavel Danilovich Zhivov. At the age of 15, Anatoly became a locksmith’s apprentice at one of the Moscow plants, as after his father’s death his mother had four small children left. Anatoly quickly mastered the working […]
Andrey Emelyanovich Dudarenko was born in 1912 in Karaganda. From the age of 22 he began to serve in the Red Army and forever bound his fate with it. He was a Ukrainian. He has been in the Red Army since 1934. In 1937 he graduated from the Odessa Artillery […]
Bolashaq Academy received a letter of gratitude from a student of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute Kalymzhanova Asel Naymanovna, who studied at our university as part of academic mobility. On September 1, 2018 the “Bolashaq” Academy opened its doors for me. I came for academic mobility from Nur-Sultan, the Eurasian Humanitarian […]
The management of the Academy “Bolashaq” joins the action “Bizbirgemiz”. Under conditions of self-isolation and quarantine, the administration of the Academy “Bolashaq” decided to support its staff with a food basket. About 20 names of products – goods of prime necessity, are received by our teachers and staff. The administrative […]
On the eve of the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan on April 30, 2020 a dialogue platform in online format was held, in which the Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work Akhmetova B.T., Director of “Rukhaniyat” participated. Aupenova A.U., Chairman of Youth Association 1% Akhmaltdinov R.R. and […]
Dear students!On May 4, 2020 at 12.00 on the Zoom platform there will be an on-line meeting of the Rector of the Academy Professor K.N. Menlibayev with full-time students.We invite everyone to take part in this meeting.
02.05. 2020 at 10:00 a.m. the next online session within the framework of the international project AE MOOC Facilitators” Sessions Project took place, where staff and students of PU “Academy “Bolashaq”, teachers of Buketov Karaganda University, as well as teachers of schools of Karaganda city and Karaganda region take part. […]
Have you ever got lost and tried to find the route with the help of any paper or another map? Have you succeeded in it? Anyway, the ability to use maps seems crucial nowadays; therefore, we chose the video-lecture “Happy Maps” by Daniele Quercia, a Professor of Urban Informatics at […]
On April 30, 2020 the Department of Pre-School and Primary Education held the final conference of industrial practice on Skype on-line with 4th year students. Final conference of the Department of preschool and primary education “pedagogical practice in preschool groups (without interruption)” Groups Dov-17-2, Dov 17-1 are focused on “pedagogical […]
Online learning is a global trend in education, consistently implemented by the world’s largest and most famous universities such as Stanford, Berkley, MIT and others. For Kazakh universities the situation with the coronovirus pandemic and declared quarantine in the country could be both a serious test of strength and a […]
Jaksynbek Tleuovich Unchibayev was born in 1922 in Zhezkazgan region. Kazakh. In December 1941 he was called up to the Soviet Army. He participated in battles with fascist invaders on the Voronezh, Stepnoe, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. Wounded three times. At the front he was accepted into the CPSU. […]
Evgeny Tokmakov was born September 29, 1916 in Chita, Russia. Since 1939, having received the specialty of a pilot of the GVF, he lived in Karaganda and worked as a pilot in a local air squad. From here in 1941 he was conscripted into the army, where he received the […]