On March 5, in the assembly hall there was a festive concert for lovely women, teachers of Bolashaq Academy, organized by the Committee on Youth Affairs. Rector of Bolashaq Academy Professor K.N. Menlibayev warmly congratulated everyone on the spring holiday: “Dear, beautiful our ladies! We congratulate you from all our […]
Monthly archives: March 2020
Administration, staff and the Council of Veterans of Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia congratulates on the International Women’s holiday March 8 the beautiful half of Boalshaq Academy with the best and sincere words.
On March 5, 2020, a meeting of the Public Council was held with the participation of the Minister of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Abayev to discuss the draft law on the organization and holding of peaceful meetings at Friendship House of Karaganda. The meeting […]
The Institute of Eurasian Integration holds the International Scientific Conference «Public trust in the modernization of the Qazaqstan: condition and perspectives» in Nur-Sultan (the Republic of Kazakhstan). Participants: government representatives, NGOs, members of the National Council of Public Trust under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scholars and experts. Within […]
February 28, 2020, the regional military sport shooting competition was held among students of Karaganda universities, dedicated to the memory of the Heroes of the Soviet Union A. Moldagulova and M. Mambetova, International Women’s Day March 8, as part of Rukhani Zhangyru program. A team which included: students of group […]
The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology took the baton from the Department of Legal Studies and performed the great Abai’s song ‘Kozimnin Qarasy’. The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology passes the baton to the Department of Kazakh language and the Kazakh language.literature.
On March 4, a festive concert, an evening of humor “The best only for you!” dedicated to March 8 – International Women’s Day was organized by the Committee on Youth Affairs in the lecture room of Bolashaq Academy. The annual traditional project hosted the best showmen of Karaganda: Nursultan Sovet, […]
There was a meeting of Karaganda Region Mayor Kasymbek Zhenis Mahmudovich with Karaganda Region volunteers in the regional staff of volunteers of “Saryarqa Jastary”. Students of Bolashaq Academy took active part in the meeting. During the meeting the Head of the Department of Youth Policy Nurzhan Argynovich acquainted the participants […]
FEEDBACK OF THE REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE “YOUTH AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF OUR TIME” STUDENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL FACULTY OF THE NON-PROFIT JOINT-STOCK COMPANY “MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF KARAGANDA”: Vivek Naruka (group 2009), Narpat Solanki (group 2009), Avinash Falsval (group 2009), Ayushi Kulshreshta (group 2001) On February 28, 2019, Bolashaq Academy organized […]
Due to the spread of the new type of coronavirus in the world, handshakes are being refused in many countries to protect the population from infection. Kazakhstanis were advised to give up shaking hands in order not to catch the infection. Instead, a famous scientist suggested that Kazakhstanis should use […]
February 24, 2020, a Russian language class was held by Alma Akynzhanova, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer of Russian language and culture of speech Department, Karaganda State Technical University as part of the academic mobility program.
March 3, 2020, Youth Association 1%, Leon Battista readers club, Council of Young Scientists and Rukhaniyat Research Center held a dialogue platform from a series of local history meetings with a representative of the editorial board of the encyclopedia “Karaganda. Karaganda region” by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor A.Yu. […]
The next meeting of the psychological club ‘Personality Plus’ is a long-awaited, joyful, and it is not by chance. “My scientific interests, or the selectivity of knowledge in psychological science…” this topic of today’s meeting was announced by the president of the club – 3rd year student Frida Rotan. And […]
Section: Legal heritage of Kazakh thinkers (Abu Nasir al-Farabi, Abai Kunanbayev and others) and challenges of the modern world. 1st place-271 points-10000 kzt. Nikita Turkenich, Yu-18-1, Family courts in the justice system. K.K. Sadykova, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines 2nd place-249 points-5000 kzt. Mukhangaliyeva Aruzhan, Yu-18-2, Legal […]
On February 29, 2020, the presentation of the monograph ‘Criminal legal protection of transport security under the legislation of Kazakhstan and Russia’ took place (Moscow, publishing house “YurLitInform”, 2020) took place at Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda Economic University. The presentation was conducted by the authors of the monograph, Doctor of Laws, Professor […]